In search of dynamic range
Thoughts on my journey as a photographer and my search for dynamic range.
How strategy, culture, and organizational change influence each other based on a number of influential books I've read and my lived experience working through, teaching, and helping lead change initiatives.
Use CSS Style Queries to let components adapt to more scenarios than just container size or screen width.
A head-to-head-to-head comparison of Cloudflare Web Analytics, Plausible, and Fathom, three privacy-preserving analytics solutions, after running each on my site for a week.
How to art direct images with container queries, no JavaScript required.
Introducing Starchart Studio, a component story tool for island architectures, powered by Astro
Why I chose Sanity and Astro for my site rebuild, and how I got continuous deployment working for both using GitHub Actions from a monorepo-like setup.
After rebuilding my blog on a new generation headless CMS, I've rethought whether flat Markdown files in site code is worth the complexity, especially for JAMStack sites.
My personal story about what I've learned over the past year since getting diagnosed with diabetes.
After joining Google, I was given a Google Pixelbook as my main computer. This is my journey to get it set up for web development
By taking advantage of JavaScript module support, we can update the Cutting the Mustard progressive enhancement technique to allow for modern JavaScript syntaxes and features!
A primer on how the performance auditing tool Lighthouse works, thoughts on web performance and was of improving it, and how the two can be used as a basis for architectural discussions.
Technical documentation should be more like recipes in a cookbook.
With a very heavy heart, today I am stopping further development on Singularity.
CSS Grid is out! I've started playing it, here are my first thoughts.
I've moved to Austin and taken a new role at IBM
Dungeons and Dragons character alignment, but to make user personas
Creating and enforcing performance budgets are hard to begin with, but getting everyone to understand the impact of their choices on the performance of a project can be doubly so. Having a way to "sketch" performance can help onboard new team members to the concept of performance budgets.
Our team transformation all started with our motion designer…
Modals. Popups. Overlays. Dialog Boxes. No matter what you call them; ugh. I can't even. If I were being gracious, I'd say that nine times out of ten, modals are the lazy way out of solving a hard (or sometimes not so hard) design or development problem. We should stop doing that.
In order to solve the problems of our users or to work better with each other, we need both empathy *and* understanding.
CSS3 Calc can be used to do all sorts of neat things, including creating some fantastic advanced responsive grids. Oh yah, and a new Singularity output style to support it.
My current thoughts on this subject have been codified in North
When building responsive sites, especially style and component guide driven responsive sites, being able to query an item's width instead of the viewport is invaluable for re-usability. While we don't have them natively, we can emulate them with JavaScript.
One of the super exciting features in Sass 3.3, currently in development, is the introduction of native Source Maps as a successor to Sass Debug Info. Working Source Map reading for Sass in Google Chrome Canary means this is a real debugging option you can start looking at today.
I'm excited to announce the official release of Aurora 3.0! Ian and I have been worked hard to build out a base theme that truly is designed around the best tools and techniques available for front end development today.
Today I'm excited to announce Magic, a first-of-its-kind module for Drupal designed to integrate advanced theme development settings into any theme.
While they've been soft launched for a few weeks now, I'm crazy excited to announce that we've finally, officially, launched [Singularity 1.0]( and [Breakpoint 2.0](
I'm super excited to announce [Singularity 1.0](!
A tool to help measure your measure, helping you design for an ideal reading experience.
Just decided to take a look at my analytics for the month of December, and I thought they were amusing, so I've decided to share.
The slides and video from my DrupalCon Munich presentation along with some links.
Ever need to really override a core or contrib module's theme output? You won't believe what you can do with this one weird hook!
The slides from my NYC Camp 2012 presentation along with some links.
Introducing Breakpoint, a Sass extension for making writing and maintaining media queries a breeze.
Designing your websites in a progressive way is one of the best and easiest ways to ensure that a user coming to your site, no matter the way they access it, is going to be able to use your website.
I've spent almost the last year learning about and really digging into responsive Web design and I've gotta say, there are very few things that excite me more in front end development today. It is the beginning of a new era of the Web.