Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @frontstuff_io: Don’t worship big tech companies and take the technichal choices they make at face value. Yes, they have many smart peop…
Found a beautiful bit of experience and sound design in the new Pokéball Plus accessory: if you plug it in after it’s entirely run out of battery, it plays the PokéCenter healing music!
RT @typesetting: Scott Kellum (@ScottKellum) continues to blow my mind.
Look carefully. This is the breed of tool we’ve been lacking. @ty…
RT @jbensnyder: Today in shitty machine learning startups, this company claims to predict IQ, personality, and violent tendencies by applyi…
RT @scottjehl: New on the @filamentgroup blog: the first of some posts about a new and unfortunate performance metric we see far too often…
RT @danielsgoldman: Let’s not forget this now that @realDonaldTrump is apparently considering Bondi for AG. Her office was investigating T…
I’m WFH with my mom today because Thanksgiving, and she’s never seen Princess Bride, so we’re gonna watch that as we work this morning!
@KellySutton Yeah it was pretty good!
RT @FreyaHolmer: A thread, on the ever so lovely Bézier curve ✨
Ok, here’s the test of the Switch on an airplane. Let’s see if this works, or if I’ve packed a desktop console that only wishes it was portable.
RT @brianschatz: With Senator Flake voting no, we have an opportunity to reject Thomas Farr as a federal judge. Why should we care? He is t…
RT @SenSchumer: RED ALERT: I’m announcing my strong opposition to Thomas Farr as a federal judge in North Carolina. @SenateGOP has set up a…
Our cat has recently started sitting down, in full upright regal sit pose, to snuggle with us a few inches too far away and booty scooting in to the snuggle. It’s the cutest, silliest thing I’ve seen in a long time.
RT @AlecMacGillis: Stunning new stat out of Ohio:
We already knew that Republicans got 12 of OH’s 16 US House seats despite winning only 5…
RT @HenrikJoreteg: Want to speed up development? Shorten feedback loops!
- Design to dev
- Pushes to deploys
- Code change to seeing re…
RT @nedprice: Saying goes that CIA analysts have high confidence in little, including the color of the sky. Some call it blue, others say i…
RT @MrAlanCooper: Scope creep has nothing to do with deadlines. It has to do with not knowing what the fuck you are building, and why.
RT @rauchg: The Air quality in SF is really bad.
Coincidentally, I’m visiting my family in Argentina in a few days!
You could say ( •_•)>…
RT @DmitryBaranovsk: Why UN need to vote on this and why would any country openly vote against this? RussiaUN/1063133548666871809
RT @viticci: Pokémon, 20 years apart. Technology is indeed incredible.
@a0viedo Good point! The problem I was having was with the Service Worker Lifecycle. My new SW was being loaded, but was waiting because I had another site tab open somewhere using the old SW pending the new one from activating. Closing all tabs and reopening the site solved it.
Have you ever been so convinced of a solution that you take a 1.5 hours out of your day to travel to 2 different stores to find a piece of hardware, only to decide at the store that you can solve this w/what you already have? That’s been my morning!
RT @RepAdamSchiff: Last night, Senate Republicans blocked a bill to protect Mueller. This morning, Trump showed again why we need it.
RT @alistapart: Know your medium! In our third installment of “URL to Interactive” we look at the journey your browser goes through to tak…