Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
As it does look like this is happening, you can catch me on the toots at mas.to/@snugug or follow my blog at snugug.com (with new RSS feed!)
RT @dansinker: Hey if you’ve worked at Twitter and follow me, whether it was until 5 today or it was a long time ago, or if you’re still th…
Talking about content modeling today at work and was reminded of north.github.io/intake/# that I built back in my NBC days to do content modeling and prioritization based on user personas and schema.org data. Not touched in 9 years but it still lives!
Playing around with alternate node package managers today. Doing literally nothing else, swapping from npm to pnpm shaves 1 full minute off of my CI time, or put another way, speeds it up by 20%. Very impressive.
How is today only Tuesday
@BillHiggins Like my dad taught me, vote early, vote often
@lpohutsky19 OOO if you want NY recs LMK!
I wrote a little thing about why I’ve come back around from storing content as Markdown files to using a CMS, and why I think you should consider doing the same.
A writeup on the specific tech I used to do so maybe sometime in the next few weeks.
snugug.com/musings/return-of-the-cms Snugug/1586329564313419776
@ZenhubHQ how’s work on the new Epic stuff coming along? The last update looks to be in July. Also curious if work’s being done as part of this to align epics and release reports
@endingwithali @FoundryVTT looks to be hiring a backend Python eng foundryvtt.com/article/employment/#backend-developer!
@firt No problem!
@firt We use it on ChromeOS.dev to grab a cached search index and load it into a search worker. github.com/chromeos/chromeos.dev/blob/main/site/js/search-worker.js
Ok, I’ve spent the morning playing @Timberborn through Proton emulation on my Chromebook and it runs great, even on “ultra” graphic settings! My Chromebook? A gaming machine? Yah it can be! V. impressed with the work the team has done to support @Steam on ChromeOS
Steam on Chromebooks just hit beta, so I’m gonna try it out on my Dragonfly. Already like this device, would be great if I could play some games on it, too. And it counts as work if I find and file bugs, right? chromeos.dev/en/posts/steam-on-chromeos-beta
RT @engadget: Steam for ChromeOS works on more devices and is easier to install engt.co/3DYEINB
@gregwhitworth Literally just rebuilt my site using @sanity_io and would do it again. Check it out!
Oh! Also! If you’re into this sort of thing, my site’s got an RSS feed now! Another thing that I wouldn’t have done before but was super easy for me to do w/the new setup.
@astrodotbuild @sanity_io Really kinda amazed at how quickly I was able to bring that all together from a really outdated codebase. I also have no excuse to not blog more.
@astrodotbuild @sanity_io Ok, officially have done more than “play” w/the two. Just switched over my site to Astro+Sanity, complete with Sanity webhook to re-trigger a GitHub Action deploy! Peep the new code on GitHub: github.com/Snugug/blog And the new site design on the site! snugug.com
@astrodotbuild Is there a way to run postprocessing tasks on the generated HTML? Something like PostHTML or rehype? It looks like the standard Vite hooks don’t work as expected here.
Whenever someone brings up the Agile Manifesto, especially in relation to Agile certification, you’re legally required to respond with halfarsedagilemanifesto.org
@tropicadri We’re you “suspended” from Insta too?
RT @sarah_edo: 🎉 It’s happeninggg!!!
Engineering Management for the Rest of Us is now on sale!
I’m so excited to finally release this aft…
@astrodotbuild @sanity_io Weekend progress report: I’ve managed to migrate all of my posts into Sanity and have successfully rebuilt and redesigned my individual post page and post listing pages. I’m like 90% happy with this. Full migration probably coming next weekend.
I’m now a “popcorn air popper next to my couch” kinda person.
Unrelated: I really need to find spots for all my kitchen equipment in my kitchen.