Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
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#titanic { float: none; }
Stop. Disabling. Paste. In. Password. Fields.
#protip never trust a “professional web developer” who uses Dreamweaver.
Holy crap the web is such a faster, nicer place to be if you just disable JavaScript.
Twitter Bootstrap is a back end developer’s solution to not having a front end, not a front end developer’s solution to anything.
Ooo, pretty. Brand spanking new CSS Grid Layout draft: dev.w3.org/csswg/css-grid ht @ScottKellum
If you’re interested in seeing how various viewport tags behave, I’ve made a site for that: snugug.github.io/viewport-test/index.html
World of Watson kicks off in an hour! @IBMWatson #IBMWatson
Haha, holy crap! XKCD did BB-8 (the new Star Wars ball droid) first! xkcd.com/413
Ok everyone, I’ve got a present for y’all!
An interactive introduction to CSS Houdini, built on @glitch so you can remix to your heart’s content!
Most Liked
Holy crap the web is such a faster, nicer place to be if you just disable JavaScript.
Y’all, I’ve gotta tell you, I really dislike the state of tooling, frameworks, and third-party modules for building websites.
The complexity, size, and assumptions that come with them, their opaqueness, and the difficulty of making everything play nice is overwhelming.
If you’re interested in seeing how various viewport tags behave, I’ve made a site for that: snugug.github.io/viewport-test/index.html
I’ve got real exciting news! After 4.5 years at @IBM, later this month I’m joining @googlechrome in Austin as an Enterprise Partner Engineer!
I’ll share more details once I’ve gotten my feet under me.
Stop. Disabling. Paste. In. Password. Fields.
Hey all! This is what I’ve been working on! 0.1.0 of an accessible, localized calendar and datepicker for @vuejs! github.com/IBM/vue-a11y-calendar
Ok everyone, I’ve got a present for y’all!
An interactive introduction to CSS Houdini, built on @glitch so you can remix to your heart’s content!
I’m so excited to share what I’ve been working on these past few months! A brand new home for Chrome OS! It’s a PWA, it’s built with @eleven_ty and @workboxjs, and it’s open source! github.com/chromeos/chromeos.dev googledevs/1293589030689484806
I’ve got my first web.dev article published! #CSSHoudini Properties and Values v1 is launching in Chrome in m78! Read about them here! web.dev/css-props-and-vals
After a wonderful escape to Denver for the weekend, @biggs_annie and I are excited to share that we’re engaged!