Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @malchata: This slog of a post of mine landed on @css today:
RT @tomayac: It’s getting serious: earlier today we sent out an Intent to Ship 🚢 for the Native File System API: H…
@gitbisect @RussAndDaughter Omg yum
@adamkiss @eleven_ty @Accudio I’m not sure I understand the concern; the images get rebuilt at the same frequency the HTML gets rebuilt, with the exception of development time, which is less. This is for local images only, our CDN’d images don’t get rebuilt.
@adamkiss @eleven_ty @Accudio Yes, we do this on every build, but when using the --watch command, it only regenerates images that have changed
@rchrdnsh @eleven_ty Thanks! I’ll add that to my backlog of topics once I get the content out!
@rchrdnsh @eleven_ty Thanks for the reply! When you say routing, do you mean how to handle routing for single page apps, managing routes with service workers, best practices for setting up URLs with Eleventy, or something else?
@Accudio @eleven_ty I’ve got more to write on this, but we released which is the image workflow we primarily use on the site
@DRyan @eleven_ty If you want a peak at our implementation,, but I’ll def be covering i18n!
@DRyan @eleven_ty Ahh that may be there only thing we didn’t do for this project! I’ve got another I’m working on that may be helpful for that, though
For the late crowd, still looking to see what you’re looking to learn about @eleven_ty and/or PWAs! Looking to focus my next set of writing on what’s most important to y’all. Snugug/1295351378823577604
@markboulton @StuRobson @eleven_ty Can do! Search is especially interesting; I’ve got a whole writeup planned specifically on how we handle it, including managing offline search.
@davatron5000 @eleven_ty Awesome, done.
What are the things you wish you knew about building @eleven_ty sites? About building PWAs? Gonna be writing a bunch of blogs about and what we learned building it, and wanna know what you want to learn!
@StuRobson @markboulton @eleven_ty (sorry to butt in) what kinda stuff are you looking to learn wrt 11ty? I’m starting outlining for the posts I’m gonna write having just launched a big site on it. Custom collections is one!
Free-form @ImpossibleFoods kofta kebab with left over saag paneer. Really yummy, really easy.
@agektmr Thank you!
RT @tropicadri: Interested in taking your Android app beyond phones? Here is how Chromebooks can be your ally for optimizing apps specially…
For the late crowd, I’m super proud to share, the brand new digital home for Chrome OS that I’ve been working on. Snugug/1293597655436800012
RT @Snugug: Adriana did an absolutely amazing job getting the site translated to Spanish for launch! Y’all should go follow her for aweso…
RT @GabrielBrangers: This site is gorgeous and it shows Google’s commitment to Chrome OS and the developers that should be making apps for…
Adriana did an absolutely amazing job getting the site translated to Spanish for launch! Y’all should go follow her for awesome Chrome OS and Web Dev stuff too! tropicadri/1293602731198840837
RT @tropicadri: Hoy mi equipo publicó un sitio para desarolladores en y para ChromeOS, yo lo traduje a español Si…
I’m so excited to share what I’ve been working on these past few months! A brand new home for Chrome OS! It’s a PWA, it’s built with @eleven_ty and @workboxjs, and it’s open source! googledevs/1293589030689484806
RT @googledevs: 🛠 Building world-class apps starts with the right tools and resources.
Introducing — a fully open…