Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
Had the chance to cook with a pellet smoker today. BBQ chicken and ribs. Very tasty even though I over salted the ribs a bit. instagram.com/p/CCR941rp0d_/?igshid=rw0im3i0r9p1
@poofichu Oh yum
RT @MsLisaHendricks: Tell me again how defund the police is wrong when no one even bats an eye at a policeman in Oregon flashing a white po…
RT @samswey: Black people have been more likely to die from Covid. Black businesses were more likely to be excluded from government relief.…
RT @tsd1888: Looking at these white ppl thru my window while writing my dissertation on structural violence & universities built on violenc…
@Mandy_Kerr @davatron5000 I just finished a rewatch over the summer. So so good! Nick just recently released the whole final battle uncut and it’s great.
RT @dannymoerkerke: I think a lot of people don’t realize native apps have so many permissions by default whereas PWAs are sandboxed. https…
RT @DasSurma: That’s web.dev/live! All the VODs are now online
Day 1: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNYkxOF6rcIDC0-BiwSL52yQ0n9rNozaF Day 2: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNYkxOF6rcIBhuGsbO6t8-OBE5-fVPe7K Da…
@gregwhitworth @openuicg Thanks for clarifying. You too!
@gregwhitworth @openuicg “back in the office” back to work. What’s the office?
@gregwhitworth @openuicg My CDS talk from last year an and code sample shows generally how it works (specific code may need updating to latest spec)
@gregwhitworth @openuicg I’ll take a look next week when I’m back in the office but NFS do doesn’t update the DOM; it gives you JS objects of the file/folder you’ve selected. If you want to make a file picker, it’d be up to you to figure out the DOM interaction for it
@gregwhitworth No problem! Feel free to ping me if you’ve got questions! IIRC it’s in Origin Trial right now.
@gregwhitworth Pretty sure file picker always requires a user interaction to launch for security/privacy reasons. Upcoming Native File System API will let you do it w/o the input though!
RT @RealSexyCyborg: “You didn’t actually break our rules- but fuck you anyway”
Love- @TeamYouTube and @SusanWojcicki
It’s all about meri…
RT @SamKap: Oh hey! I’m one of those 12! Code: Sam10 for 10% off the online conference ticket! Clarity_conf/1277738613946671104
RT @whatbryan: Read this and contemplate, white Austin. texasmonthly.com/news/what-i-learned-black-speaker-liberal-white-austin
RT @rosielanners: replace the entire British curriculum with this TikTok
RT @JoubranJad: Tune in tonight if you’d like to watch my talk on the Secrets of native-like Progressive Web Apps at Google Digital Days (o…
RT @AdalynGrace_: Someone recently told me that “difficult to work with” often really means “difficult to take advantage of” in creative in…
RT @Chick_in_Kiev: seeing people outdoor dining unmasked while masked waiters wait on them is very distressing and sick
Anyone have their service workers start flat out failing (Response returned is null) on iOS starting around 13.5? Anyone got a fix? One site didn’t have any deploys and just went from working to broken.
RT @realnicocarter: I thought I’d write more about my experience getting fired from Cards Against Humanity and the events leading up to and…
RT @HelloMelanieC: “Your intentions don’t matter; it’s your impact.” -@KimCrayton1
Last time went grocery shopping, I decided I didn’t trust Texas not to be stupid, so got a bunch of frozen veggies. This is the first dish, teriyaki chicken and stir fry veggies over my fragrant sticky rice. Always… instagram.com/p/CB61ZqfpqqW/?igshid=17cy3dd0qjpcr