Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
@optimiced @nathansmith It’s flex-basis and min-width working together for the effect, with flex-grow to round it all out.
flex-grow tells them they’re allowed to grow to fill available space, flex-basis sets the size of the content box, and min-width describes how small it can get.
@nathansmith Ooo! I really like this implementation of the stacking pattern!
RT @nathansmith: Had this bookmarked, and revisited it today.
It’s a handy flexbox layout swap, without media queries.
by @Snugug
Can editing be sarcastic? We think the editing in Tiger King is sarcastic.
I really love @github actions, but there needs to be a better way to test than pushing, and the docs for writing workflows needs to be greatly improved. It literally took me all day to get a job working as expected despite having all the individual pieces work locally.
@iiiiiiaaaann @argyleink I have no idea.
@argyleink Yah totally! That’s what we’re using it for; the content portion of a wide card with an image
Made the @nytfood caramelized shallot pasta. Delicious! But needs lemon to cut the savoriness. instagram.com/p/B-N3qQ-JoDY/?igshid=8hzbb51khpze
How’s this for kinda brilliant? A developer I work with has combined
to make a variable minimum width column!grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(clamp(20ch, 45vw, 60ch), 1fr))
@SaraSoueidan @sarah_edo @rachelnabors Do any of you have small, performant lib recommendation for in-browser animations similar to what Lottie/After Effects can do? Lottie is likely too large for our perf budget.
Use Lerna? Want to run tests for only the package you’re working on, but with shared dev dependencies? BEHOLD MY BEAUTIFUL ONE LINER!
lerna run --scope "${PWD##*/}" test
Be sure to escape your quotes in JSON!
TFW you use French Dijon mustard as if it were French’s: 🤯
Out cat’s new name is “Whad’youdo”
Third isolation cooking adventure! Chinese takeout style sesame noodles. They were very good. instagram.com/p/B-FZ-Gcpxdu/?igshid=miotafx4drje
RT @teleject: I’m starting a new blog to share my tips and experiences of producing online events for close to 10 years. https://t.co/nhJoG…
Tonight’s isolation cooking is mixed mushroom and pea risotto! instagram.com/p/B-BMlXgJHqp/?igshid=1wqsfbsq1s1l5
I was inspired by this pen by @snookca from like 3 years ago which shows this technique in combination w/CSS Grid, a technique I absolutely love.
I always forget how to do this, so I made a little @CodePen so I don’t forget again: Using Flexbox to go from a stacked to an inline layout without media queries! Bonus alternating direction in here too!
RT @halvorson: PSA for everyone who doesn’t work with content: content is way more complicated than you think it is.
First night of isolation cooking: turkey chili! Made with toasted whole spices and whole chiles. instagram.com/p/B920MYdJ411/?igshid=8bj0zk4jbcf8
Having just gotten back from vacation where I tend to binge on books, I’ve finally written up what I’ve read and would recommend, including what I’m currently reading and what’s next. If you’ve got recommendations, LMK!
RT @dalmaer: If anyone knows the folk behind coronavirus.app, we would love to help! slightlylate/1239710321150853120