Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @elamin88: When cities make transit free, ridership goes up. Not long-term. Immediately. Not up by 2-3%. It jumps up between 20%-60%.…
RT @franklinleonard: I have been waiting for a person in power to respond to this sort of thing like this for my entire life. My whole enti…
@1Password That worked! Thanks!
@eleven_ty Thanks! I figured that was it but you beat me to testing it. Markdown-It is a new MD parser to me and previous ones I’ve used handled HTML as raw input and didn’t try to MD compile it
@eleven_ty Ok, done debugging. Nested HTML is spitting out pre/code blocks. Need to dig into that.
@eleven_ty Ok, I actually figured out what was happening, but I’d still like an answer to why this is happening: I’ve got nested HTML coming from a macro and that’s being turned into a pre/code block
Anyone know how to use Nunjucks macros inside of a MD file compiled with @eleven_ty? The expected
{% import… %}
is escaping the HTML produced by the macro, which is clearly not what I want. -
@1Password Hi! It seems a recent update to either my Desktop app or the Chrome extension is preventing the Chrome extension from working; the extension just says (desktop app required) and isn’t accessing the app. App works fine. Known issue?
RT @CodeWisdom: “Without requirements or design, programming is the art of adding bugs to an empty text file.” - Louis Srygley
RT @slightlylate: Good battery life, a keyboard that’s great, PWAs, Linux development, and it doesn’t cost $3K?
RT @slightlylate: This is a stress-test demo, but what you should take away from it is that CSS Custom Paint is going to be SUPER SMOOTH on…
RT @davatron5000: Callin’ these “hmm-dots” _davideast/1224775468676608000
RT @doctorow: Now that is great visual design h/t Fipi Lele behance.net/gallery/16797627/The-Swan-Mallard
RT @slightlylate: We’re now at the point where Project 🐡 APIs are hitting Origin Trials and Stable regularly, and I couldn’t be prouder of…
RT @ceejbot: Count votes on paper ballots. By hand.
signed, a software professional
@chriseppstein Hmm, I had a thought but as I wrote it out it actually has the same problem. I guess this then comes down to frequency of it coming up
@chriseppstein It will, but I also don’t like needing to worry about that stuff in code review which I know I will if it reaches the codebase
I’ve got a Git Hooks question for y’all: where would you enforce linting?
pre-commit prevents commits with lint errors are present, but doesn’t stop errors from being committed
pre-push exchanges commit message blocking for push blocking, preventing code from getting upstream
Another week another module release! Markdown-It Figure: add (optionally numbered!) figures with figcaptions to your markdown!
Source code in this monorepo I’m having fun maintaining. Watch this space for new goodies. github.com/chromeos/static-site-scaffold-modules
RT @goldengateblond: whatever Jeep paid Bill Murray for this, it was worth it Jeep/1223924066417020929/video/1
@ericlaw (it was! I’ll dm you when I’m back in town)
@ericlaw Haha NM then!
RT @meganamram: At the intermission of musicals there should be a very short football game
@BillHiggins @allspaw That book recommendation drastically changed how I approach conflict resolution; very grateful for it!
@ericlaw I didn’t know you were in Austin too! You should find have lunch at Google one day!