Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @SenGillibrand: To my Republican colleagues who’ve complained that there’s no new evidence in this impeachment trial: You voted more tha…
RT @hunteryharris: the poet the poem
RT @SenKamalaHarris: Final thought tonight: every single Republican senator voted to block every single amendment for relevant evidence and…
@poofichu Did you… Did you get a dog?
RT @dan_abramov: At some point we as a community started infantilizing the beginners. “Beginners will misunderstand/misuse your advice”, et…
RT @shreyas: Why do smart companies & orgs make stupid mistakes?
A thread:
RT @mikeabbink: Sneak peek at IBM Plex Japanese. Projected for sometime in 2021. @ibmdesign @boldmonday
RT @davidhogg111: 17 y/o Trayvon Martin was shot on his way to get some skittles.
Yet there are thousands of white men able to march arou…
RT @ava__js: We’re proud to introduce AVA 3! 🚀 Built-in debugging, better file selection, Babel opt-in and everything is in place for ESM s…
@ImAaronUpright Lmk how you like them! Made them this morning and think they came out well, but don’t have a frame of reference for good peanut butter cookies.
Ok all! They came out well enough that I’ve posted the recipe! Get my Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookie recipe here!
Vegan peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies. I’ll be posting a recipe to my blog later today! instagram.com/p/B7jIbjxJoE2/?igshid=1lyqdqq6l9bun
RT @mulegirl: We need more designers participating in the design of business models that support the things we want and need rather than ma…
I’m come up with a vegan peanut butter chocolate chunk cookie recipe that I’m going to try baking tonight. If it turns out I’ll post the recipe and pictures tonight!
RT @anvaka: Announcing anvaka.github.io/city-roads website that allows you to print roads of any city
@poofichu PUPPY?!
RT @nasko: PSA: If your business depends on browsers or the web, test on Beta/Dev/Canary/Tech Preview/whatever other pre-release channels e…
RT @wrongbluelions: Felix: I’ve been teased for being short my whole life.
Sylvain: Well, I think it’s wrong to belittle.
This is what a Dex of 20 looks like.
RT @RobinWigg: This is hilarious. A Norwegian TV programme pitted some professional stock-pickers against an astrologist, some beauty blogg…
RT @lisi_linhart: Gotten around to play with CSS Houdini. I’ve taken some of the code snippets out of generativeartistry.com and created a…
RT @PadmaLakshmi: I love this recipe
RT @jesslynnrose: Hi, I’m Jess 👋 I’ve been let go in the Mozilla layoffs.
I’m now free 2 days/week for contract work in developer relation…
RT @argyleink: 4 layouts for the price of 1, thanks flex 👍
css` form { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;
& > input { fl…