Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
Turkey meatloaf sandwich with snow pea sprouts! 50/50 dark/breast meat, caramelized onions, mushroom, garlic, and marjoram with a ketchup and worcestershire glaze. instagram.com/p/B7KaXvfpEfL/?igshid=h5fql7s3asdt
The @LoveIsland producers are messing with the contestants with non-Newtonian fluids and I’m so here for it.
@dotproto Mess With Texas Instruments
RT @Una: [Poll] How do you feel about CSS Houdini?
@justinfagnani oOo awesome! I’ll ping you tomorrow! Thanks!
Anyone have experience with Lerna/monorepos and semantic release and would be willing to chat with me about it for a bit tomorrow? Setting up a new open source project. Thanks!
RT @oneunderscore__: Run back Facebook did today.
They bought a story in a publication, pretended it wasn’t sponsored, their COO posted it…
Question for those doing static sites and want site-wide search: what do you think is the best approach to doing so?
- Send a full-site index JSON to client
- Use a serverless endpoint to query index
- Something else entirely (please explain!)
RT @icehockeystick: Same thing for PoC, worse for WoC. We get rejected based on our names not being white Marisa_Ingemi/1214735344517746689
RT @ByMikeBaker: She applied to 15 baseball teams and didn’t get a response.
So she changed her name on her résumé from Rachel to Rae and…
I’m getting better at omelettes! Swiss, marinated tomatoes, and chives. instagram.com/p/B7EGkRmpPtT/?igshid=1iwky7ss6slqy
RT @pikapkg: Snowpack v1.0 introduces a new feature that everyone said was impossible without a bundler: TREE-SHAKING.
Ready for productio…
Anyone have experience getting Jest to play nice with ES Modules? Seems like a pretty large blindspot ATM considering I want to ship ESM and not ES2015 transpiled code, and therefore want to test the actual code I’m shipping
RT @firefox: Say goodbye to annoying notification requests (unless you want them, in which case they’re just a click away).
@ericjduran I’ve been using Airmail as a replacement since that went away and really like it. Check it out!
@Mandy_Kerr I don’t know React but I’m happy to share the JS knowledge I have with you!
RT @HouseForeign: This Media Post will serve as a reminder that war powers reside in the Congress under the United States Constitution. And…
RT @RWD: Happy new year! 🎉 Want to learn responsive design? Or the basics of CSS Grid? Check out my online class, which comes with a free 2…
RT @FaithNaff: PSA to trans allies:
Always write it as “trans women” and not “transwomen.” TERFs try to smash the two into a single word s…
RT @hxhassan: Iraq’s PM is fuming.
He says Suleimani arrived in Iraq to deliver a response to the Iraqis from Iran about a Saudi offer to…
RT @Isimiez: @JanelleCShane Lazy #AI is a mood, seriously
@eleven_ty Ok all, I’ve finally got my 11ty @respimg transform code up!
It’s only working for absolute images r/n, not relative images, but the core function should work for any HTML and outputPath passed in! Hoping to finish my cleanup next week to release it.