Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @charles_gaba: The only way to stop a bad guy with a treason is another bad guy with a treason. RawStory/1177262200899145728
RT @Paul_Kinlan: We’re hiring for a Chrome DevTools Developer Advocate (Munich based). If you love tooling and helping developers, ping me.…
RT @TheRaDR: “If you don’t stop holding the president to account for treason, we’ll let more children get murdered” is not, as they say, a…
RT @benjaminwittes: “something to see here” Five offenses in one conversation–boiled down to one sentence. Morning_Joe/1177176441169088512
[@IronMaiden]( TFW a sword fight breaks out at an @IronMaiden concert
“We are your rock and roll fucking granddads” - @IronMaiden
RT @SamWangPhD: Absolutely critical. Cognitive science research shows that repeating a lie reinforces it, *even if you are trying to debunk…
RT @HillaryClinton: The president of the United States has betrayed our country.
That’s not a political statement—it’s a harsh reality, a…
@dotproto DO IT
@dotproto Or do what I do and wear sleep pants. I find sweatpants to be too hot for long-haul flights
@dotproto WEAR NO PANTS
RT @ashleyfeinberg: genuinely impressed at the times opinion section’s dedication to always finding the absolute worst person to speak the…
RT @jaffathecake: Chrome Dev Summit schedule is live! Great design work by @argyleink.
We had fun building this. Lots of CSS grid. And, fo…
RT @deathcabdan: goose game DLC where you fuck up the bake off tent
@auchenberg @Stipe Woah! When did you join Stripe?
RT @angustweets: TIL, if you visit devtools’ “source” tab right after using the “performance” tab you get benchmarks……
RT @jpamental: Critical flaw in static design workflows: there is no way to design for every screen size, to say nothing of every state of…
I decided this weekend to consolidate all of my photography over the years into one catalog. It unfortunately looks like I’m missing a few edits, but I’ve finally got almost everything back to 2006 under one roof!
RT @CoralineAda: Introducing the Hippocratic License: a modified MIT license that specifically prohibits the use of open source software to…
@davatron5000 Omg yes good choices
RT @noopkat: here’s a first: avrgirl uploading code to an Arduino Uno in the browser (NO app or extension needed) using the Serial API !!…
RT @missbreton: I did it. I found the worst gender reveal.
@cramforce Thank you!
@cramforce OMG where did she get them? I need those.