Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
@noopkat I didn’t know you use a Pixelbook! If you’ve got any questions feel free to ping me!
This is now the second time I’ve done this fragrant sticky rice. It’s delicious. Need to actually write down the recipe.
Teriyaki chicken over fragrant sticky rice with miso glazed bok choy and a fried shallot teriyaki sauce on top. Toasted sesame seeds and scallion. instagram.com/p/B0e0x7-pd8F/?igshid=wz65tz1rf0pz
I’ve got an idea to make ensuring users never see the browser default offline page in PWAs much easier. If you’ve got thoughts, too, take a look and comment. github.com/w3c/manifest/issues/774
[@property](https://twitter.com/property/) The example from houdini.glitch.me/custom-properties can then be rewritten in only CSS as: @property { name: ‘–registered’, syntax: ‘<color>’, inherits: true, initial-value: purple, }
@brad_frost @Una @property Main takeaway of registered properties is you get to choose syntax, initial value, if it inherits, and then get superpowers like being able to animate custom properties!
@brad_frost @Una @property houdini.glitch.me/custom-properties (Chrome Canary -> chrome://flags -> Experimental Web Platform Features) shows and explains how to use the JS version of the API. This will allow you to do the same in CSS
(I’m excited, can you tell? This is gonna be awesome for style guides)
RT @mattmfm: It is evidently clear that the only reason Donald Trump isn’t on his way to prison right now is because he is President of the…
RT @NBCNews: Rep. Lieu: "The reason, again, that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of OLC opinion stating that you cannot indict a…
RT @richardhine: BREAKING: #GOP @RepKenBuck gives Democrats the soundbite they need.
Buck: “You believe he committed—you could charge the…
RT @ibmdesign: “Get rid of infinite scrolling and focus on creating intentional, not accidental, value.” — @jengoertzen
#uxdesign #uxui #u…
RT @caseyrosenthal: "If everyone is responsible for the successes, then why isn’t everyone also responsible for the failures? The answer is…
@Rumyra When I get around to it I’ll let you know!
@DasSurma Oh interesting! When I sit down at my computer I’ll take a look at your Glitch
@DasSurma grid-column: 2 / -1.
This says start add the second track and go to the last track, minus one (which is actually what you’re looking for here)
RT @scottjehl: The Simplest Way to Load CSS Asynchronously. New on the @filamentgroup blog.
RT @Rumyra: Instead of doing the proper work I set myself to do this weekend…
I created a web page which generates it’s own background…
@Rumyra This is awesome! I’ve been planning on doing this for my blog, but you’ve beat me to it!
Just caught this brilliant update to @filamentgroup’s async CSS loading. Time to update my work! filamentgroup.com/lab/load-css-simpler
It’s Stone Fruit season and I couldn’t be happier
RT @Sareh88: It was such an honour to close out one of my all-time favourite conferences, @CSSconfeu. ❤️ Thanks to everyone who has taken p…
@teleject @sxsw @janetvarney That was so much fun!
@StuRobson If you’re not familiar with it, I’d recommend reading Domain Driven Design. I think what you’re getting at here is similar to it’s concept of a Ubiquitous Language.