Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
@bitandbang I think a large part of it is an ecosystem problem. I personally have found the most success with Rollup and distributing JS in uncompiled ES2015 syntax that only rely on the Node Module plugin. But I only handle JS through Rollup. Everything else I’m still using Gulp.
@ScottKellum I can’t even… I saw a brand new routing library, out less than a month, that just throws divs with click handlers on the page. A ROUTING LIBRARY FOR LINKS!
@rachelnabors I miss the Ruby Sass days, where everyone distributed their stuff through Compass and it all Just Worked without surprise config issues. I nominate @chriseppstein to be in charge of fixing bundling for the web; all software of his I’ve used has been intuitive w/o surprise gotchas
One quick example: I recently tried to use a style guide and three wrappers around it. Everything shipped >300K of stuff for the “all-in” file, if I could get it to work, and the individual files all had bundler-specific config assumptions built-in making them unusable.
Y’all, I’ve gotta tell you, I really dislike the state of tooling, frameworks, and third-party modules for building websites.
The complexity, size, and assumptions that come with them, their opaqueness, and the difficulty of making everything play nice is overwhelming.
@ScottKellum Haha! Awesome!
RT @joshmtucker: My team @googlephotos is hiring a senior designer! Our team’s inspiring mission is to be the home for the world’s memories…
This turns out to be an aggressive amount of water ice. Delicious, but aggressive. 0-Brain Freeze in less than 10 bites. @ Jim-Jim’s Water-Ice instagram.com/p/ByvqSOpJg6r/?igshid=1qx397z3z1iyk
RT @stevekinney: Microservices: A software architecture pattern designed to push all of the complexity onto your frontend engineers who hav…
RT @DasSurma: I can only recommend (in a very masochistic way) to get a Nokia 2 for $80 and surf the web with it.
Feel. the. pain.
RT @biggs_annie: Enjoyed presenting about our @TexasOnRamps Project Management Methodology at the @FTTS2019 conference today! I look forwar…
RT @tkadlec: "Unless a globally launched framework labels itself as exclusively targeting the users of the Wealthy Western Web, it has a re…
RT @mattblaze: Election security is not a partisan issue in a functioning democracy. NewYorker/1139328094379134976
What spaghetti code hath I wrought?
RT @scottjehl: Write code, not too much, mostly HTML
TIL Array.some and Array.every. SUPER useful! developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/some developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/every
RT @addyosmani: Want to create responsive images fast? Try responsivebreakpoints.com. Give it an image and it:
🖥️ Determines optimal breakpo…
@bitandbang That sentence is barely comprehendible. Since understanding, I’ve rethought how I loop
@bitandbang ❤️ Promise.all + map. Since really understanding the array iteration functions (filter/reduce/etc…) I’ve thought how I loop. Add promises add async/await and it’s been fun to work with async code again!
I’ve been a busy boy today. Tried to make Brooksters (5th picture) but my cookie recipe comes out too caramelized for that good color difference. Instead, just a tonne of cookies and brownies. instagram.com/p/BygogIzJ-It/?igshid=11gvikshvls24
Tried to make Brooksters today, but the division between the coke and brownie went well enough defined, so now I just have infinite cookie and brownie batter.
This will end well
Sous vide reverse seared chicken breast with roasted onions and potatoes and asparagus. Got my knife sharpened; look at those knife cuts on the taters! instagram.com/p/ByeO4Z1JTqR/?igshid=1bmnqr41wzb48
RT @mehdirhasan: He creates a problem. Then pretends to have solved the problem. Then it quickly turns out the problem remains. Rinse, rep…
Today’s lunch: a banh mi inspired lemongrass shrimp sandwich. instagram.com/p/BybQYzUJEJb/?igshid=1rei39m5amroh
Yesterday’s lunch: mortadella, hot soppressata, roasted pepper, fresh mozzarella. instagram.com/p/ByazhrLpWtH/?igshid=1xsconb2kqa2o