Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @Arti360: Design System Magic with CSS Houdini by Samuel Richard @Snugug #cssconf #cssconfeu #cssconfeu2019 #houdini https://t.co/ScNvY6…
@fetis26 Houdini’s a spec, so you just need a browser that supports it! ishoudinireadyyet.com gives a good breakdown of current support, and houdini.glitch.me is an interactive introduction to get you started
@CSSconfeu P.S. I’ll be here through #JSConfEU if you’d like a Houdini Bunny sticker
@CSSconfeu Finally, and I’m sorry I forgot to mention this on stage, if you’re going to be at @jsconfeu, @Una is giving a Houdini talk Sunday that y’all should check out!
Thank you for being a wonderful audience! I love you @CSSconfeu!
My slides are available here: talks.page.link/houdini-design-systems
You can get your own version of my shirt, in men’s and women’s cut, here: clandestina.co/search?type=product&q=DINO
And my interactive intro is here: houdini.glitch.me
@hj_chen Come find me for a sticker!
RT @bobrov1989: It’s so cool when your postcss plugin was mentioned at Houdini talk. Thanks, @Snugug !
github.com/vitaliy-bobrov/postcss-register-custom-props https://t.c…
RT @CSSconfeu: Let’s cast a spell with @Snugug! He’s now going to talk to us about “Design System Magic with CSS Houdini” 🔮 #cssconfeu2019…
I’m up next! My slides for Design System Magic with Houdini can be found here! talks.page.link/houdini-design-systems
Remember, Chrome Canary with experimental flags enabled to get it to work!
#CSSConfEU #CSSHoudini
If you’re interested in my shirt (if you aren’t yet, you’ll see when I get on stage), it’s from a Cuban clothing company called Clandestina and comes in a men’s and women’s cut.
(Not sponsored, just like the shirt!)
Super excited to be here @CSSconfeu! Can’t wait to talk Houdini with you later today!
If you wanna get prepped, check out houdini.glitch.me for an interactive introduction to Houdini! #CSSConfEU #CSSHoudini
RT @brad_frost: ✎ Reducing motion with the
element: bradfrost.com/blog/post/reducing-motion-with-the-picture-elementIn which @davatron5000 sends me a code snippet to m…
When @biggs_annie is away I STEAK! Sous vide, reverse seared ribeye with miso butter, roasted mushroom, farm fresh onions, and green beans finished with the butter too. So yum! instagram.com/p/ByBzrHJp9ad/?igshid=m1smdf1t0045
RT @CSSconfeu: CSS Houdini is coming! But what is it actually, what are its specifications and what features can we start to leverage today…
RT @auchenberg: Time for another update to Browser Preview for @code 🎉💪
Introducing Inspect, a new way to inspect elements and go directly…
RT @CSSconfeu: She gave the first talk at the first CSSconf EU in 2013, and she’s now going to give the closing keynote of our #lastOfType…
RT @katfukui: I can finally share what I’ve been up to: GitHub Sponsors! 💖 It’s a new way to fund and empower developers, maintainers, ment…
@glitch do y’all work in China?
RT @stubbornella: If contributing to frameworks, tools, and open source sounds interesting, @googlechrome is hiring! The team works on a co…
Wandered down a very amusing alley today in #nyc instagram.com/p/BxoI0WWpAVG/?igshid=1xar2isg4jdw7
@estellevw @handcoding @teleject @ari4nne @cerebralideas Sorry I missed this! Tonight didn’t work but I can do tomorrow
RT @EricaJoy: I gotta say, if you’ve never started working at a new company or on a new team that has a large part of crucial information f…
RT @EricaJoy: One of the best parts of using Slack: there’s no “schedule eleventeen meetings with people so you can get up to speed,” on a…
RT @devanddance: @Snugug showing us his cool art 🖼
Thanks for the pretty #chrome pins 😁 we are all swagged up.
If you are at #io19 right…