Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @jmspool: Reducing design to only the visuals and front-end interactions is an oversimplified view.
Leaders at true design-led orgs thi…
column-fill: auto
makes CSS Columns fill up a whole column before going on to the next, what I’d expect the default to be instead ofbalance
. This makes CSS Columns so much more usable -
RT @MichaelSkolnik: One day after the terrorist attack in Christchurch, the New Zealand government banned semi-automatic weapons.
There h…
@brob Do it! Built in soup scoops!
RT @chrissyteigen: chicken breast is extremely popular for being literally the worst part of a chicken
Roasted tomato soup with waffle iron grilled cheese! instagram.com/p/BvIdvNkna0s/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1hrdiqkczs4hr
Black sesame Thai rolled ice cream with honey, banana, chocolate banana Poky, and a temperature based color changing spoon! @ Frozen Rolls Creamery instagram.com/p/BvIGSdlHyDE/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=zoo3va0z4vza
RT @TwoClawsMedia: YOU: Oh look, they dyed the river green ME, AN ARTIST: Oh look, they dyed the river chroma key green
#StPatricksDay htt…
RT @michaelharriot: It ain’t a “puzzle” homey.
I make yummy sandwiches. Roasted pepper, roasted lamb, horseradish havarti with olive oil and balsamic. instagram.com/p/BvHk987nMWa/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=8hsaha8fk8bi
RT @shannonrwatts: New Zealand bans semiautomatic rifles less than 24 hours after the Christchurch mass shooting. Imagine: elected official…
RT @marclamonthill: I love how the Right quickly deploys the “don’t give the shooter any attention” narrative when the victims are Black, B…
RT @wilsonhartgrove: White nationalism is the lie that says Muslims, immigrants & LGBTQIA neighbors are a threat to America. Its walls, tra…
RT @helpmeskeletor: White dominated media isn’t capable of disseminating, interrogating white supremacy and white supremacist violence and…
RT @editingemily: This is why people job hop and boomerang. So maybe promote your engineers when they do good work.
I know, crazy.
RT @SkinnerPm: To those saying don’t ‘politicize’ this terrorist attack because this time it’s not the perpetrators they prefer, I suggest…
RT @jonoalderson: WOOO, Chrome 73 solves responsive image preloading. Now we have srcset support!
"The <link> element now supports imagesr…
RT @halidecamera: This is crazy. ByteForByte/1106331089046523905
RT @PavelASamsonov: Designer: Let’s have an automated suggestion feature in case of an unavailable item Developer: But we don’t have a data…
RT @netmag: Would you like to work magic with Houdini? Discover how it can greatly improve the flexibility, power, performance and maintain…
RT @MarvelStudios: Whatever it takes. Watch the brand-new trailer for Marvel Studios’ #AvengersEndgame. In theaters April 26. https://t.co/…
RT @lisaphillips: Twitter didn’t have an offline backup of Tweets or User data until ~2011 (5 years after start) until a Latina without any…
RT @hazakaza: We have decided that “cowpoke” is the gender neutral form of “cowboy” and “cowgirl.” This can also be applied to other -man p…
RT @DasSurma: 📣Announcing: Comlink v4 alpha!
Use workers without thinking about workers.
Rewritten from scratch! ➡️A lot smaller (~1.1kb)…
That’s actually generally good advice: I’ve found that in order for me to be a good and confident teacher, I need to engage many of the Cog. Sci. best practices for making learning stick, including potentiating, retrieval, spaced, and interleaved practices, and elaboration.