Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @robknight_: Today I discovered that the polyfills we ship for features that exist in all modern browsers are, in total, as large as the…
RT @yben: It’s election day! Don’t forget to vote!
Need your polling location? nyc.pollsitelocator.com/search
@amye Yum!
A real interesting video on how @SpiderVerse was animated. youtu.be/jEXUG_vN540
I absolutely loved this movie and can’t wait for it to be released on iTunes to see it again. An Oscar well deserved.
RT @shadowandact: [EXCLUSIVE]: The Shirley family speaks on how #GreenBook and the Hollywood Machine swallowed Donald Shirley whole https:/…
@MarcinS @CSSconfeu Good news! A couple items are fully shipped and W3C CR’s, with lots more intent to implement. My assumption is Edge is going to look similar to Opera or Chrome once they move over to Chromium. Even Safari is implementing! ishoudinireadyyet.com
RT @CSSconfeu: Modern CSS layout techniques can be hard. But there’s tools out there that can and will make it easier - and we’re super hap…
RT [@CSSconfeu](https://twitter.com/CSSconfeu/): International scholarship applicants for @CSSconfEU and @jsconfeu, check your inbox: We just sent out the first round of not…
RT @ksylor: y’all, my live git viewer WORKS!! This video is of a live-updating, visual representation of my local git repo that updates as…
RT @TheAtlantic: ‘Green Book’ has won the Oscar for Best Picture. "The film has been criticized, including by Shirley’s family, for reporte…
@xzyfer @CSSconfeu 😁 thank you!
Hey look! More Houdini! Coming to a @CSSconfeu near you! CSSconfeu/1099981607300145152
RT @CSSconfeu: CSS Houdini is coming! And we’re not going to make a play on words involving magic! We will leave that to @Snugug and his ta…
RT @ItsDanSheehan: Being a grandpa must be tough, some baby mispronounces a word and suddenly your name is “Peepo” for the last 30 years of…
RT @alexandereardon: When I hear the phrase “we will worry about accessibility later” I think of elevators.
Retrofitting elevators into a…
RT @yben: No other candidate even comes close. Public data shows we’re the campaign most fueled by small, local $.
We’re the only campaig…
RT @BrianNorgard: You don’t hire talented people to tell them what to do. You hire talented people to tell you what to do.
RT @frontstuff_io: @enrico_pangan @SaraSoueidan Not embracing a popular abstraction doesn’t mean you’ve been “left behind”; actually, knowi…
I have so many apps on my phone that I barely use, take up hundreds of MB of space, and don’t require any of the deep or powerful integrations that require a native app. I wish these were all websites or PWAs instead.
@brob Yes I did, and I agree
There are few things better than a perfectly roasted chicken. From oven on to on the table in an hour, most of which is downtime. instagram.com/p/BuKpY13nz1h/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=10bhm76h03wut
RT @stefsull: Why is he able to run again instead of being arrested? This is BS. girlsreallyrule/1098690397453410306
RT @tabatkins: This was actually intended as a use-case for custom properties! Well, not this exactly, but stirring js in a prop.
And by c…
RT @iamvdo: 🤯 New CSS Houdini demo: JS-in-CSS
Or how a generic worklet can be authored right from CSS. You can even write your own CSS cus…
RT @scottjehl: Seeing some dissonance between what I read about the polarized divide in front-end dev practices and the nuance I observe in…