Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
@AmeliasBrain @etportis a) may be good for a separate issue I’m looking in to, b) may do it! I only read briefly but will look more deeply. Thanks!!
@ausi Yeah that’d solve my use case! Thanks!
RT @EaterNY: A woman read 20,000 Yelp reviews as part of her master’s studies. Her finding? Reviewers’ obsession with “authenticity” is whi…
@auchenberg @code I haven’t, and I honestly wouldn’t know a good way to even do that. It’s more of a perception thing; feels about 2-3 seconds faster. It feels about 1 second faster to actually get the application open, and about 1 second faster for app boot up, but it also seems to vary a bit
[@code](https://twitter.com/code/) In my quest to try out @code, I’ve made the following observation: it appears to open much faster from the terminal if it’s the default editor and I use
instead of using thecode
CLI It’s also now earned that spot. Sublime Text started freaking out every time I opened it -
@StuRobson @stowball Ok, was being too clever for my own good and what I was gonna do can’t be done. Filed an issue with Houdini to see if we can make it happen. github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/851
RT @mekkaokereke: If Steve King had continued all his same actions, but hadn’t come out and explicitly admitted it, you all would have gone…
@StuRobson @stowball I’ll post a little Houdini pattern on constant custom properties later today (after I confirm it works 😜)
@StuRobson @stowball I totally get that. For me, custom properties are super compelling with a combo of web components (they pierce the Shadow DOM) and theming, and with that I find I still want constants. FWIW I’m currently using a Sass map to generate my CPs (add their fallbacks)
@StuRobson @stowball A lot of these posts I feel are gonna change once Houdini Custom Props land widely. I’m using CPs now and keep circling back to wishing they had greater implementation.
RT @BuzzFeed: President Trump Directed His Attorney To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project bzfd.it/2Hkk8fb
RT @hermit_hwarang: Fuck white saviorism and fuck patriarchy. I really hope the victims’ families are getting support somehow. https://t.co…
RT @DanRather: Let’s remember that probably all it would take to end this madness is for Mitch McConnell to say, “ok, let’s vote.”
Y’all need to watch The Masked Singer with @biggs_annie. She’s got it all figured out with cited sources and is having none of the judges’ terrible guess. It’s hilarious
@etportis Ooo, hmm, yeah! That may work!
I need an @if CSS directive for custom properties so I can make nice developer experiences, like --theme-color: blue where I can then set things accordingly.
RT @OConnellPostbiz: New — Inspector General for GSA, the agency that leases Trump his DC hotel, has issued report saying agency ignored th…
RT @zeldman: ⇛ The courts have ruled this way for years. What’s different now is that they’re pointing to a definitive #a11y standard. (1…
RT @AdamSerwer: The imperative to appeal to the median white consumer is a form of political correctness so pervasive few recognize it as s…
tl;dr Agile and Design Thinking and Lean UX and all of that only feel incompatible when they center practitioner and process instead of users and outcomes, which ultimately is the point of all of them.
The most productive I’ve been on a team is when we didn’t strictly follow Design Thinking or any Agile method, but rather used the practices we found useful from lots of different things to steadily deliver user-centered value.
I think that inverting the focus, and talking about cross-named-thing tools and techniques that may help you achieve things will make it tedious to actually teach and practice user-centered, outcome-driven delivery
That’s not to say they don’t talk about the user, outcome, or purpose, but those tend to be more theoretical things that are expected to come by centering the practitioner and process.
I think I’ve figured out what I dislike about how both Design Thinking and Agile are taught and practiced. In my experience, both have centered the practitioner (designer/engineer) and process over the user, outcome, and purpose of activities being performed.