Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @NYTNational: "Most of the glitter that adorns America’s name brand products is made in one of two places: The first is in New Jersey, b…
What if a Hot Toddy were scotch and hot chocolate instead. Bonus smoked Chambord crème instagram.com/p/Brvcnr8g05t/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1sa1ykjwa3nin
RT @kimmaicutler: The Facebook product team was going to introduce features that would reduce polarization and disinformation but then Joel…
RT @feather: OK, I get it. You created a search results page using the latest single page app hotness. But here’s the deal. When I click on…
RT @buttermilk1: “A car was launched…" That’s a hell of a time to use the passive voice. ABC/1076351737840259072
RT @OrinKerr: Trump fired Sessions because he followed the ethics rules and recused from the Mueller probe. No surprise that Trump’s hand-p…
RT @negaoryx: Have you ever sunk 95+ hours into a game before coming back to the starting zone and accidentally stumbling into the tutorial…
RT @nytimes: Breaking News: William Barr, President Trump’s attorney general nominee, wrote a memo to the Justice Department in June critic…
RT @jennyyangtv: Tessa Thompson in a suit. Tessa Thompson giving eyes. Tessa Thompson with a gun. Tessa Thompson with a smize.
RT @matthewamiller: Barr’s views on executive power have long been at the extreme end of the spectrum. But for him to have argued the merit…
RT @ACLU: Calling 911 on a Black person based on the assumption that he couldn’t honestly earn a $1,000 paycheck isn’t “hyper-vigilance.”…
RT @schemaly: If only media were obsessively fixated on repeated instances of members of this administration lying to the public #ButHerEma…
@verpixelt @jdsteinbach Yes thank you#
Finally really trying to build something with Web Components proper and I think I may need to rethink some of what I’ve already done. Question about them: if I extend say the Header element, does its #a11y semantics come with?
Google has a chocolate cupcake baking and decorating class today and these are what I made! Learned how to pipe and a wee bit about decorating! @ Google instagram.com/p/Brlce7gAnRK/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=xhlmqaphbpgi
I love AVA and I’m super excited this had hit 1.0 sindresorhus/1075473233460252672
Friends! WebDevs! Internet People! Forward me your WASM resources! I wanna get ramped up on it over the next few weeks!
RT @scalzi: Why the fuck do you have cops in schools then thehill/1075030440124301312
RT @vanitaguptaCR: This is so deeply offensive. It is the fed’l govt’s mandate to ensure that all children can attend school free from raci…
RT @BriannaWu: Hey {first_name}, Facebook takes the {scandal_name} that occurred very seriously. We are working to strengthen our service’s…
RT @nytimes: "Because you are in an English restaurant, you will be curious about the English food. Because you are in Bluebird London, you…
@DnDBeyond Fairly confident that this doesn’t meet GDPR standards for consent if that’s what you’re going for here
So @biggs_annie is sitting next to me and called me and said “Its your refrigerator calling” and I ask “Do you mean ‘Is your refrigerator running’?” and she just breaks out in laughter and hangs up how’s your Monday afternoon?