Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
@malchata You too! Hope to see you there too!
@malchata I shouldn’t be the only one talking Houdini stuff! Don’t feel bad about submitting about it!
I would love to go to Budapest, but it unfortunately counts as fall. Mid August-mid November I’m unavailable 2019, but it’s ‘cause of my wedding so not too upset about it! 😝
@CSSconfeu @jsconfeu Any other conferences y’all think I should apply to for 2019? I unfortunately can’t do any Fall conferences :(
OK! I’ve officially submitted to both @CSSconfeu and @jsconfeu! A brand new Houdini talk to CSS Conf and a revised version of my favorite talk I made last year, Slides About Slides!
Super honored that houdini.glitch.me was selected as one of Glitch’s best projects of 2018! There’s so much awesome in this book, check it out! glitch/1072862154288701440
RT @glitch: Looky What We Made! This free, 76-page book showcases some of the 1M projects the Glitch community created in 2018. From useful…
RT @nordicjs: We’re excited to announce that the next edition of Nordic.js will be taking place on 10-11 October 2019 in Stockholm. A small…
RT @bitandbang: Cannot recommend @nordicjs highly enough. It was an absolute pleasure to speak there this year ❤️ nordicjs/1072815591520698368?s=20
RT @silveira_bells: Just. buy. the tickets Hands down one of the best confs I’ve been to so far ❤️ nordicjs/1072815591520698368
RT @funder: I can’t stop watching this-it’s art.
#TrumpShutdown PaulLeeTicks/1072596513417781249/video/1
This was a great talk! Y’all should go watch it silveira_bells/1072828197627138048
RT @silveira_bells: In case you wanna check it out, my talk in said amazing conference @nordicjs is out on youtube 🎉 I talk about how we ca…
RT @atrupar: CNN put together a montage of Senate Republicans – including Susan Collins, John Thune, Bill Cassidy, and Orrin Hatch – each…
RT @mkraju: Trump sides with MBS over view of his own CIA that the crown prince ordered the killing of an American-based journalist. The Se…
RT @JoyceWhiteVance: This tweet, from the day SHS told us the decision to fire Comey was Trump’s alone, is the 1st time I tweeted that to p…
RT @kylegriffin1: Trump tells Reuters that he’s standing by Saudi Arabia’s crown prince despite a CIA assessment that he ordered the killin…
RT @bigmediumjosh: “Web design is finished in the browser.”—@jensimmons at #aeasf, pointing out it’s front-end devs who really finish the d…
RT @meyerweb: “Removing the :focus outline is like removing the wheelchair ramp from a school because it doesn’t fit in with the aesthetic.…
@chriseppstein @nex3 Thanks for looking it to it! I’ll file an issue with Eyeglass if I run in to anything else!
@chriseppstein So, for reference, I’ve installed Eyeglass and Sass as dev dependencies in my project and am compiling with
sass --watch 'src/sass':css
via NPM script. Would like to enhance the CLI call somehow to get Eyeglass imports/imports from modules. -
@chriseppstein can I use Eyeglass with Dart Sass via CLI I just want to use Eyeglass imports
RT @LeonieWatson: This. So very much. Props to all the confs that cover expenses, sometimes including expenses for needed assistants/helper…
This morning at 7am I learned the pilates studio downstairs holds a 7am workout as my bed started to shake from all that bass
I’ve got 2 Custom Properties, one to determine the style of background, one for the color theme (as idents, not actual colors, because there are multiple colors per theme). The lag is BrowserSync reloading the page, not Houdini