Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
@eleven_ty Interesting! I think that’d work for JSON well, and especially search content. Don’t know if it’d work for my usecase though.
@eleven_ty Yeah was gonna do that as a last resort.
Use case is really a post build step where I can remove shared HTML and save separate file in order to reduce over the wire and cache size for subsequent loads once a service worker is installed.
@eleven_ty what order are transforms run? Order added or alphabetical? And is it possible to have a transform spit out an additional file, or just return transformed content?
RT @Una: 🌈 I’m back from vacation & have some news! 🌿
Today I’m joining the @googlechrome team as a Dev Advocate focused on CSS (and Web U…
Teams and leadership books welcome too.
@BillHiggins as you always have great recommendations Snugug/1236797786047332352
Anyone have any truly excellent management/ business/change/strategy books they’d recommend that I’m able to grab an audiobook of? Books in related fields, like Structure of Scientific Revolutions also included.
RT @ContentDesignLN: 1. Do not capitalise whole words or phrases. They are harder to read. 2. Use sentence case in headlines and subheads…
Playing with the iPhone 11 Pro’s night mode. All “straight out of camera”. Works pretty well! All taken with basically no direct light, spoke with no real light to speak of. @ Negril, Jamaica instagram.com/p/B9dK5cspkFx/?igshid=1xli3w2ni7tyg
RT @theannalytical: no one tells you “coding” actually is:
- 30% cutting/pasting from google
- 30% coffee break
- 30% debugging with conso…
RT @brhodes: Worth noting that Barr succeeded wildly, as the immediate media reaction to his disinformation created a false first impressio…
@jeffposnick @slightlylate @allafarce @philwalton @eleven_ty That and github.com/chromeos/static-site-scaffold together. I’m also writing a talk proposal as we speak on how to accomplish this (and more!) in a generic way with Eleventy today.
RT @joeshorter: Kirsten. Kamala. Amy. And now Elizabeth. I find it interesting how they were able to mobilize different flavors of misogyny…
RT @NaomiStarkman: The story of @ewarren, the smartest candidate, dropping out is the story of all capable, competent women who are lauded…
@nordicjs When does your CFP close? I couldn’t find it on your website.
Let’s see if I can’t sneak some Houdini into this new project I’m working on…
Yes, this is my PR. No, I don’t usually do this. No, I don’t recommend you do this.
Why aren’t flat tops common in home kitchens the same way burners are? That’s really what I want in my next house; they’re so versatile!
RT @mekkaokereke: When you explain how racist US voting is to folk from other nations, they don’t believe you.
- The GOP use census data…
RT @matasar: Google’s solution to every problem is to release a new messaging product, you have to admire the discipline. https://t.co/np6u…
@chriseppstein Thanks! I tried —no-merge and that seemed to get me further
Made excellent sliders tonight a la White Manna. Effectively tiny onion grilled smash burgers. Topped with holey cow swiss. Ketchup and relish to finish. instagram.com/p/B9SytnlJm2-/?igshid=1x9whz5hn4z35
RT @googledevs: A #GoogleIO update.
Due to concerns around the coronavirus (COVID-19), we’ve decided to cancel this year’s physical event…
@chriseppstein Hey! Finally giving this a try and getting the following:
merge: * - not something we can merge