Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
At a concert downtown and fired off a work email between sets. That means I can expense the night, right?
@ericlaw I read that as SendBacon, three times, and was both excited and confused each time. Especially because I made candied bacon for lunch today.
I’ve got such a blog backlog, and this has just been added to it. Anyway, point being, ResizeObserver not just for content queries to change styling!
Wrote an interesting bit of code w/ResizeObserver: changing nav functionality from fly-out to drop-down based on menu button having a width, so no need to try and share breakpoints between CSS and JS!
RT @billder: The “liberal media” fears #PresidentWarren the most, writing her out of most stories. That should be your #1 clue that she’s t…
I particularly love the “What We Learned” section: be mindful of abstractions, avoid codebase fragmentation, and automate all the things. HenriHelvetica/1229742560807092224
RT @HenriHelvetica: Whew. A detailed summary of a yr long rewrite of ubereats.com from @UberEng: updated use of media queries, b…
RT @avierkant: My favorite f— off moment in the new Yale study is when they show that we could give all 1.5 million health insurance indust…
Day off lunch: orange habanero marinated skirt steak sandwich with swiss, balsamic onions, peppadew peppers, and chives. instagram.com/p/B8rjqMTpPdZ/?igshid=9uhe2cp84z6n
RT @sulco: #CSS tip for today:
If your content doesn’t fit, @FirefoxDevTools will show you which element is the one with scrollable overfl…
RT @BillHiggins: I’ve been a developer for 20 years, but last year I jumped into the deep end of the AI pool with a leadership job in Watso…
RT @ericlaw: In case you’ve memorized the Fibonacci sequence but forgotten how to multiply. qikipedia/1229163545796980736
RT @yben: $190 ticket for running a red on a bike at an empty intersection. Cops on the bikelanes, cops in the subway, but cars are speedin…
RT @maggieNYT: Using the official apparatus of government for what appears to be a political event KellyO/1229111900383956996
The Sonic movie was much better and much funnier than it has any right to be. Go see it.
RT @tef_ebooks: yeah posting a salary is cool… but you know what’s really cool? forming a union
RT @sienzala: tiktok took this down at over 12k views but it will never truly die
RT @HartYT_: Here’s the greatest tiktok I’ll ever make.
RT @nerdneha: GitHub CLI beta is announced! FINALLY I can tell you about this new project I’ve been part of 🥳🚀
Excited to iterate based on…
RT @cjamcl: The Lighthouse extension—now for Firefox!
🔥🔥🔥 🦊🦊🦊
RT @massimoragnedda: The statistics mantra “Correlation does NOT mean Causation” explained with an example.
RT @mikesherov: Being a Senior Engineer just means saying “it depends” infinity times in a row.
Are microservices good? It depends! Shou…
RT @MSEdgeDev: 🚨PWA PSA 🚨 Find everything you were too embarrassed to ask about PWAs (and much, much more) here: docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-edge/progressive-web-apps-chromium
RT @devdevcharlie: Lately, I’ve been learning more about how to use VoiceOver to better understand the experience of people who use it, and…
Another #samdoessandwich! Pistachio mortadella, holey cow swiss, giardiniera, whole grain mustard on sourdough. Side of German potato salad. instagram.com/p/B8iD1rXJkjm/?igshid=1enhlszo609ll