Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
Transformed my vegan banana peanut butter cookie recipe into vegan peanut butter blossoms with tempered chocolate filling. Bonus tempered chocolate piggies! instagram.com/p/B9EvpcJJiDl/?igshid=1ma2n2rfjli5t
@ZenhubStatus @ZenhubHQ Great, thanks! I don’t see it there, but I’m happy to add it!
RT @tommyxtopher: Whether you support Warren or not, this nuking of a Bernern is a blizzard of chef’s kisses. I want to have this moment’s…
The last Wednesday in February is as good a time as any to try tempering chocolate for the first time, right?
@ZenhubHQ I’ve got two feature requests for Control Chart: PRs only, and make “merged” an option for complete. This’ll allow more accurate tracking of how long it takes to get a PR merged, and something like “closed” may encompass removal and merge.
RT @natfriedman: ✨Shipping today on GitHub: multi-line suggestions! 🥳
Now that @firefox and @ChromiumDev are shipping CSS
(developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/clamp), came up w/a nice little PE flexible padding; choose small or large for basepadding: 1.75rem; [@supports](https://twitter.com/supports/) (padding: clamp(1.75rem, 5vw, 3rem)) { padding: clamp(1.75rem, 5vw, 3rem); }
RT @addyosmani: "Simpler things are easier to understand, easier to build, easier to debug, and easier to maintain. Easier to understand is…
RT @foolip: I made a survey on cross-browser pain points for web developers! Take the MDN Browser Compatibility Survey and help us understa…
@petele The first is What Are PWAs? A new introduction to PWAs. web.dev/what-are-pwas
The second is a new PWA Checklist for making stellar PWAs! web.dev/pwa-checklist
RT @JenMsft: This is not why I have two surface books, cats
RT @CharlesCBer: My favorite new feature in Animal Crossing New Horizons so far.
I got roped in to watching Love Is Blind and I’m sitting here just yelling at their knife skills.
RT @dicktofel: Breaking @propublica: The new director of national intelligence worked for someone the US has banned as an enemy of democrac…
RT @slightlylate: One weird trick to improve sales!
Stop punching potential customers as they enter your store. slightlylate/1231017227681288192
@typesetting @timbrown Interesting. Thanks! If you’ve got any recommended reading material I’d love to see it!
RT @googledevs: THE TIME IS NOW
Registration just opened for #GoogleIO.
Go here to enter this year’s ticke…
RT @danrubin: Wow. Pretty sure this is enough reason to completely boycott YouTube and possibly the rest of Google.
Would love to see the…
Does anyone have any information on ideal measure for non-Latin character languages? @timbrown @typesetting
RT @JoshWComeau: 📢Please don’t use geolocation to determine language 📣
I live in a bilingual city (Montréal), and this is what happens whe…
What a night in Austin. I’m at a The Used concert and across the street is Silversun Pickups.