Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @FrankConniff: Hillary’s emails were the most covered story of 2016. But Stephen Miller’s emails to Breitbart, which proved beyond any d…
@cport1 I’ve currently got a Chrome bag and don’t love their current line enough to get rid of what I’ve got
RT @StevilKinevil: Sometimes the internet is just perfect.
RT @dcousineau: “Fifteen minutes into CATS, I had some doubts, but if you stick with anything long enough it will end.” https://t.co/p5HZdD…
I’ve decided, after quite a bit of research, that there isn’t single backpack on the market that meets my needs. There are a couple ebags options but none are weather resistant, which is a dealbreaker. How hard can making your own really be?
RT @PPathole: Interviewer: What’s your biggest strength?
Me: Expert in Machine learning
Interviewer: What’s 9 + 10?
Me: 5
@ElijahLynn @github @Netlify Those PR instances are what I’m looking for from it
@jeffposnick @github @Netlify I’ve got a custom domain so maybe that doesn’t matter? I kinda want to play with FB for prod and netlify for stage, though
@nathansmith I literally ran into this yesterday! Thanks for the tip
RT @jimsciutto: Consider this gravely: WH officials feared the Russian president successfully influenced the US president to plant a conspi…
Having just seen @catsmovie you must see Cats, make sure you see it in a theater where yelling at the screen is permitted. A @drafthouse rowdy screeching if possible. You may explode otherwise
RT @mercedescodes: I took a phone call today to be a reference for a former coworker. I was 100% prepared for their rote questions and then…
Ok y’all, here’s the first writeup on the Static Site Scaffold! This is a general overview of what it is and what you can expect. Going to write two more, one on the internationalization features, and one on Service Worker Includes.
snugug.com/musings/static-site-scaffold Snugug/1207020345829548034
RT @boogtweets: You ask me for the time and notice my watch is actually a live shrimp hugging my wrist, he whispers “12:30” but he’s guesst…
@eleven_ty @gulpjs @RollupJS There’s some real cool Service Worker stuff in there, too, like preferred-locale redirects and normalizing of cache requests for urls with and without a trailing slash, all powered by @workboxjs
@jeffposnick @eleven_ty @gulpjs @RollupJS @workboxjs Crap you’re right I did forget!
Starting my write-ups this afternoon, but boy howdy do I have something to share!
Static Site Scaffold: i18n friendly static site/PWA starter built on @eleven_ty, @gulpjs, & @RollupJS, plus introducing Service Worker Includes for smarter caching!
RT @HenpeckedHal: My wife left me home alone with the kids to go out drinking with her friends. A lesser man might whine and complain, but…
For the past few weeks I’ve been making this really weird typo that when I want to type “start” I instead type “starte” and I for the life of me don’t know why.
RT @Carnage4Life: I can’t believe there’s a technical term for choosing a solution that works great for problems that big companies have bu…
And in the morning, I’m making waffles! Topped with bananas, amarena cherries, and ~grade b~ “Grade A Dark, Robust Taste” maple syrup. instagram.com/p/B6D0RbQp7p2/?igshid=1gdlbo7yq6lf1