Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @inkblurt: On NPR this morning, a reporter told the host about this — but almost as an aside like “one thing to note, McConnell said …”…
Today’s #samdoessandwich is a turkey and swiss panini with muffuletta olive and artichoke spread. Sandwich #protip, olive bars are a great place to find sandwich toppers! instagram.com/p/B6CCfq8pm2Y/?igshid=1ace3b5hja3wm
So It took a week-ish to write and another week-ish to clean up for open source, but here’s a sneak peak at the code I’ve been writing if you’re interested before I get a chance to write it all up.
Another #samdoessandwich. Horseradish and fill havarti, fresh roasted, deli sliced roast lamb, marinated tomatoes, balsamic, olive oil, sourdough. Side of French breakfast radish. instagram.com/p/B5–axfJRfx/?igshid=s0vreb2aufxz
My thought for tomorrow: tagged template functions that return a web component instance ready to be inserted into the DOM. Think:
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@rachelnabors Omg this makes me so happy. Looks great and I’m jelly
RT @Una: Little preview of an upcoming Designing in the Browser intro
😂Disco is SUCH a smoosh in this one 🤣
If you haven’t watched the s…
@jeffposnick @workboxjs Ha this is the second time in a week you’ve recommended Workbox 5. I think I’ll get out what I have right now and then look to upgrade
@jeffposnick @workboxjs So I’ve tried that and Workbox yells at me for using the same input and output file. I would need to compile my SW to a temp physical file to do that.
That’d be @workboxjs precache
Anyone have a tooling setup they like that allows a Service Worker to be complied through a JS bundler and get precache injected but not have static assets (HTML/CSS/etc…) complied through the JS bundler? Or do I need my Rube Goldberg hat?
RT @argyleink: Here’s where I’ve been snaggin my web gear 💀🤘
RT @polotek: I’d like to talk for a minute about this thread that has been going around today. I’ve been participating in the discussion in…
RT @polotek: All of us should pay attention to how quickly white men believe that they are being discriminated against. And that they exp…
I liked this dish so much last night that I wrote up the recipe for y’all!
Fragrant Sticky Rice with Yuzu Chicken and Sautéed Leafy Greens.
Yuzu, mirin, galangal, lemongrass, garlic, and scallion marinated stirfry chicken, stirfry Chinese broccoli add garlic, fragrant sticky rice. My new favorite dish. instagram.com/p/B5wHpLEJXSL/?igshid=la44yufa1zyn
My supermarket had fresh yuzu last night so I’ve made a yuzu marinade for my chicken for tonight. I’m super stoked on this.
I’ve been doing code this week, y’all, and it feels GREAT! And presuming I get this last bit finished today, open sourcing and blog posts coming next week!
RT @ericlaw: This is neat. microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor
RT @redford: It is now Daniel Craig’s sacred duty to build off of his work on “Logan Lucky” and “Knives Out“ and only perform increasingly…
RT @jensimmons: Firefox 71 shipped today. Which includes subgrid (aka Grid v2).
Celebrate by watching…
Should I translate sub-URLs too? So
instead of[foo.dev/fr/samples](http://foo.dev/fr/samples)
?My guy feeling is probably but I’m also concerned about the complexity that mapping effectively arbitrary URLs to each other will bring
Any i18n people in the house? Got a question about localization best practices for URLs: given that I’ve got the following URL structure for my internationalization:
Do y’all have any idea how hard it is to find documentation on doing redirects from within a Service Worker?!
Anyway, I’ve got a new blog post I’m gonna write soon…
RT @jonrog1: The brutal irony that many Americans won’t support universal health care because they fear losing their current health care, a…