Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @greg_doucette: I’m not sure if this article’s authors, @NickAtNews and @mihirzaveri, are active on Twitter
But I want to thank them fo…
RT @lunasorcery: oh no
RT @rachelfaith97: knives out spoiler with no context
RT @mamathzilla: Buggies!! They are all very sweet except for Sizzlepede, who is planning a revolution
Requisite leftover Thanksgiving sandwich: toast, cranberry, waffle ironed stuffing, gravy, toast, gravy, pulled dark meat turkey, mayo, toast. instagram.com/p/B5dVgpCJwDc/?igshid=1whs42cbb9pb5
Ray Charles “I’ve Got a Woman” comes on.
Young cousin: knowing look recognizing from Gold Digger
@biggs_annie: Yes, it’s what you think it is.
Me: Kanye West samples. Here’s one for example.
You’re welcome.
Thanksgiving feast. Spatchcock dry brine turkey, cranberry, sage brown butter mushroom dressing, mashed potatoes, parsnip, carrot, and sprout medley, gravy, and Grand’s buttermilk biscuits. instagram.com/p/B5bLURMJih8/?igshid=foaa331hj7di
Our Georgia ritual: @WaffleHouse. Cheesesteak Melt hash brown bowl (double scattered, covered, and smothered) capped and peppered. Got bonus Waffle House sauce, like a chipotle mayo, which was good too! instagram.com/p/B5YEVtEp8Pd/?igshid=1r4ezkr2312cd
#SamDoesSandwich. This time, orange honey habanero marinated sirloin, sauteed mushrooms and balsamic marinated cipollinis, apple, and gruyère instagram.com/p/B5OQp4jJq-y/?igshid=1hjfevd4e61l3
Alt text, cause I forgot it. Stadia Founder’s Edition and Wasabi controller
RT @RyanTownsend: You can’t just care about the payload size of your JavaScript – “the median for mobile is as bad as 90th percentile on de…
RT @AndyDavies: If you every wonder why @slightlylate bangs on the cost of JavaScript…
Here’s @tkadlec talking about the cost popular fram…
@StuRobson @jina In the past I’ve used just “one-offs”
@argyleink @nex3 Feel free to change the color of the leading period to whatever shade of blue really speaks to your brand’s personality.
A couple people in chat were looking for a generic CSS logo so I made one using Modern Logo Design Best Practices™️ (Helvetica Neue bold, lowercase, with bad kerning), so I present to you: CSS Logo!
RT @CNNPolitics: Gordon Sondland put his luggage in the wrong overhead bin, then said “my whole day has been like this” https://t.co/kjw0DA…
RT @disisdaadam: There are only 4 types of developers in meetings.
RT @fordm: I can’t stress enough that asking a foreign power to gin up investigations into your likely election foe is impeachable in and o…
@Kevin_Ellen_ Nope, they’re totally gold!
@Kevin_Ellen_ I’ve been getting pedicures with my wife for a few years now and initially painted them as a joke but liked them and have continued. They tend to be sparkly now, purple or gold.
@Kevin_Ellen_ Sounds good!
Sure, go ahead
@Kevin_Ellen_ I think their assessment is fair. Agreed on they global hotkey thing (I use Divvy/Spectacle like windows management on my Mac which I miss on my Chromebook). It’s something to get use to. I’ve also blogged about my setup, specially coming from a Mac.
Your “definitely a human responding to my customer service request via text” breaks down pretty quickly when you refer to be as “New” when my name and user ID is included in the previous text
RT @KimCrayton1: Anything that doesn’t center whiteness, even when it still benefits, is labeled anti-white and thus racist
For whiteness,…