Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
A quick clip of my upcoming DevTools workshop deck to show off a customized Stage Fright and Web Component based master slides. I kinda love this workflow?
RT @daveweigel: Here, from my inbox this week, is Christians United for Israel celebrating a move by Texas to punish business owners if the…
Officially filed my first @googlechrome bug (feature request?) today to get file type information from PerformanceResourceTiming so we can programmatically dig in to things like resource size and load time. bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=939379
RT @bitandbang: @Snugug indeed it is – the best thing is the apps don’t need to be a PWA to work with the feature.
@bitandbang Ooo I didn’t know that!
@bitandbang If I’m not mistaken that’d be Desktop PWAs in action!
RT @MarkHertling: Embassy “staff”=US “country team.” That includes reps from treasury, commerce, military, Intel community, and others. Cr…
RT @WebDesignerMag: HOUDINI: The future of #CSS . Find out What is #Houdini? How to enhance #CSSVariables, how to use the #PaintAPI and loo…
RT @justkelly_ok: Very insightful thread on motivations and contradictions behind the troubling Alabama abortion lawsuit https://t.co/2lCzE…
RT @beerswater: This is truly excellent. H/T @ZachWeiner
RT @TheRegister: Hipsters all look the same! Scientific FACT. reg.cx/2RWW
RT @Leahgreenb: Here’s the thing: the ACA was a centrist compromise.
Republicans spent the next eight years losing their minds about how…
RT @ClaraJeffery: Nielsen also testified that she had no way of anticipating that separating kids—little fucking kids!—from their parents a…
RT @ClaraJeffery: as a reminder while people were arguing about Omar’s comments and falling for bad-faith arguments over same, the head of…
@hdjirdeh @ChromeDevTools You can also get them from
Found this last night while building a little performance snippet
RT @KenDilanianNBC: If Trump really attempted to ruin CNN, he deserves to be impeached washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/03/05/if-trump-really-attempted-ruin-cnn-he-deserves-be-impeached
RT @mbloomstein: “Let’s put a cartoon robot on it to seal the deal!” @LukeW on aggressive in-app tutorials. Consider after Dieter Rams’ des…
RT @EricHessDesign: People will ignore overlays and aggressively close them, to get back to the main flow as fast as possible.
#aeasea #ae…
RT @katiehempenius: Page Weight Percentiles: overall & by resource type
If one of these categories is super high for a site, it’s often an…
RT @slightlylate: P20 is ~200KiB of JS?!?!!! katiehempenius/1103005053353369600
RT @tedlieu: .@RepDonBeyer & I have made a criminal referral of Jared Kushner to @TheJusticeDept.
Making false statements or omitting mat…
RT @AOC: It’s not my position to tell people how to feel, or that their hurt is invalid.
But incidents like these do beg the question: whe…
RT @AOC: One of the things that is hurtful about the extent to which reprimand is sought of Ilhan is that no one seeks this level of reprim…