Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @ZenhubHQ: Today we’re excited to announce the new ZenHub Reporting Suite. Now software teams can unlock the insights they’ve always wan…
RT @Leahgreenb: Don’t throw the book at a Muslim woman of color while ignoring the many, many white Christian members of Congress who’ve tr…
RT @stubbornella: Managers: if an URM works for you, their peer’s feedback will be full of bias. It’s literally your job to actively filt…
RT @FredTJoseph: The attacks on Ilhan Omar are just as much about her being a Black woman, as they are bout her being Muslim.
We can’t co…
RT @imraansiddiqi: This entire thing is about her race and religion. Don’t get it twisted.
RT @PrestonMitchum: The way House Democratic leadership is responding (or not) to Rep. Omar proves my EXACT point about how weak democrats…
I’m running a workshop in a couple of weeks where I’m going to incorporate some of the stuff I’ve learned about learning from Make It Stick and conversations with @biggs_annie. Excited to see what it yields and to share results after.
RT @EricHessDesign: Flexbox isn’t weird… But it is not the layout method you think it is.
It is for taking a bunch of oddly sized things…
RT @Brian_A_Levine: If your company is “remote for the right candidate” you might want to stop hiring the wrong candidates and putting them…
@AlwaysWorking @lewisnyman @Firebase @zeithq @Cloudflare There really are! Just trying to figure out how to do real time stuff with as little lock in as possible
@lewisnyman Do it! I’ve been playing pretty extensively with @Firebase could functions (serverless) to power not just tiny scripts but whole websites! Serverless + triggers is such a powerful combination!
@wesbos Good news is this will be fairly trivial to do once Houdini’s Layout API hits! googlechromelabs.github.io/houdini-samples/layout-worklet/masonry
Less than 50 lines of JS for the worklet and runs at render engine speeds! github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/houdini-samples/blob/master/layout-worklet/masonry/masonry.js
RT @Rich_Harris: @samthor @matthewcp @AdamRackis this is a neat trick btw, never thought of creating and assigning props to an element in o…
RT @NewYorker: .@JaneMayerNYer on Fox News’ transition from partisanship to propaganda: nyer.cm/2mVXSRy
RT @cssconfbudapest: we’d love to hear your ideas! CFP open until ✨ this Sunday ✨, the 10th of March
bit.ly/css-cfp https:/…
RT @RepPressley: The inhumane racism and death threats thrown at my friend Rep. @Ilhan are acts of terrorism. Period. We will overcome thes…
RT @anniesqueedle: TIL: Google Slides has an option to live-machine-caption your slideshows 🤯 Seems like a valid option if the venue you’re…
RT @davidfrum: So this explains Trump’s golf course tweet yesterday. He was threatening the UK government with harm to the US-UK relationsh…
RT @zeynep: Phone number is such a private, important security link. But Facebook will even let you be targeted for ads through phone numbe…
RT @RepJeffries: Conservatives lost it when one member in a body of 435 used a profane word.
So-called leader of the free world calls Russ…
RT @sarahkendzior: Good but not enough. What do you think will happen if Jared asks Trump for intel? "Sorry kid, but you lost your clearanc…
RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Mint ice cream is for people who never grew out of eating toothpaste.
RT @rauchg: The Pika project is extremely promising. It’s an “anti-bundler”.
It lets the transport (HTTP/2) and browser deal with the comp…
RT @ArmsControlWonk: This is not fucking heartwarming. USNationalGuard/1101927754575081472
RT @leahmcelrath: Is the GOP lying/distorting? Of course. But, with respect, you’re missing the point, @jonfavs.
Ranches, cattle, hamburge…