Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @ianbassin: Black is white. Down is up. There is no truth. Arendt warned of just this in writing about the scariest leaders in history.…
RT @slightlylate: We get asked a lot if Google is building PWAs…yes, yes we are. You can install Duo on CrOS, Windows, and Linux from the…
RT @SethAbramson: We have a president who’s going to run for reelection in 2020 purely to avoid facing indictments and federal prison, yet…
RT @JYSexton: Stop reporting on Trump’s entreaties with murderous dictators as good faith diplomacy. He fawns over them, says explicitly he…
@Una True words to live by.
@Una Think of the dog farts tho! Oh the dogfartmanity!
RT @tweetsintheME: Nothing to see here, just the president of the United States using his twitter account to promote his businesses, and al…
Why are people throwing slices of American cheese on babies’ faces?
RT @renato_mariotti: "A $25,000 cashier’s check, apparently earmarked for President Nixon’s re-election campaign, was deposited in April in…
RT @CarolLeonnig: Watch closely for a possible Constitutional showdown.
Does the White House rebuff the subpoena? Invite being held in con…
RT @pikapkg: Welp… I wasn’t planning to share this until next week, but it looks like the secret is out:
INTRODUCING: https://t.co/GXvbd…
RT @Fahrenthold: Here’s a reverse-emoluments case that the Founding Fathers didn’t plan for…what happens when @realDonaldTrump owes a lar…
RT @meyerweb: Conservatives no longer holding it to be self-evident that all men are created equal. To own the libs, one presumes. https:/…
RT @agmcarthur: Vaccines work.
RT @samstein: Are we taking crazy pills???
Trump is literally on tape discussing, contemporaneously, the way to make the payment. https://…
RT @CarolLeonnig: To remind: Here’s why Jared Kushner was never supposed to get a clearance
"Officials in at least 4 countries privately d…
RT @katiehempenius: A lot happens under the hood in order to run JS. Hence, “JavaScript is expensive.”
Diagram of V8 (Chrome’s JS engine)…
RT @WebDesignerMag: THE 8 WONDERS OF THE WEB DESIGN WORLD will all be at this year’s #generateconf @bigmediumjosh, @JimKalbach, @sophiavux,…
RT @DasSurma: Who needs top-level await when you can just export a function called
from your JavaScript modules? https://t.co/au7yCW… -
RT @KoriSchake: Dwight Eisenhower: "if a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right…
RT @BrianLeeWow: thanks jeopardy
RT @CREWcrew: Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. were close to getting indicted for felony fraud. The Manhattan DA dropped the investigation after…
Dear @MaskedSingerFOX, this is a formal request to make @biggs_annie a judge for Season 2. She has been able to correctly identify all contestants, most from no later than their second performance.
Thank you for your consideration.
RT @Wizards_DnD: Unearthed Arcana: The Artificer Revisited is LIVE NOW! dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/artificer-revisited #DnD #Artificer #DungeonsandDragons #Uneart…
RT @halidecamera: Spectre is a computational shutter for iPhone that uses AI to make brilliant long exposures easy. Learn more: https://t.…