Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @nucliweb: If you have any question about CSS Houdini, do you have a new @withspectrum community spectrum.chat/houdini
And an Awesome…
Internet, I need your help naming something. Its a personal project with photos/selfies/happy times and serverless. Any thoughts? The punnier the better.
@koste4 I needed to buy a special one from Amazon. Switch isn’t quite standard and needs a specific power signature and something else to connect correctly. I got amazon.com/FastSnail-Adapter-Nintendo-Switch-Converter/dp/B074MYLP9C and it works very well. Coupled with amazon.com/dp/B01LXDPO3A?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share as a stand
RT @hdjirdeh: Introducing Lighthouse Platform Packs (currently under development) ⚡️
This feature will allow @____lighthouse to detect whi…
@ImAaronUpright Loud bright things around me
RT @BillHiggins: A bit of work news: I’ve taken on a new role in IBM where I will be responsible for our portfolio strategy and development…
RT @RepAdamSchiff: The President of the United States just suggested that lying under oath, obstructing justice and witness tampering are o…
RT @NickSherman: I rarely have problems getting CSS to work as expected, so the Family Guy CSS gif used to baffle me. But, actually, it’s a…
RT @wesbos: 🔥 When using JavaScript default function params, you can access other params from right inside the definition! https://t.co/aSA…
RT @firt: Google Play Store now open for Progressive Web Apps! 😱 medium.com/@firt/google-play-store-now-open-for-progressive-web-apps-ec6f3c6ff3cc
RT @morningmoneyben: I don’t think it’s gotten enough attention that Trump celebrated the exact same Dow milestone almost exactly a year ap…
@BillHiggins @googlemaps Oh I’m totally a bot
Hey @googlemaps why are you asking me to rate my stay at a hotel 3/4 of the country away that I haven’t stayed in in the past 18 months?!
Vegas, I don’t understand your appeal
RT @indexzero: Another one bites the dust 😫 secretnyc.co/beloved-st-marks-comic-store-will-close-next-month?
RT @PetraGregorova: Can’t emphasize how much I love this post and resonates with my believes that knowing and understanding the power and w…
RT @rachelandrew: Some thoughts about the CSS JS debates from the point of view that matters most to me, maintaining routes into this indus…
Currently at a @googlecloud event and saw a session on Serverless this morning so clearly I’m spending the rest of my time here figuring out how to trigger cloud functions via PubSub #NoServerNoProblem #ThatServerlessLife #WhatAmIDoing
RT @lemay: This is called the pink collar or pink ghetto problem. When women move into an industry in large numbers salary and opportunity…
RT @natsecaction: Who is Trump’s “trade war” with China actually benefiting? Even as he pretends to fight for the interests of American wor…
RT @DynamicWebPaige: d’you remember the telephone game we played as kids?
everyone stood in a line - 1st person whispers a sentence to the…
RT @samstein: The “power grab” in this case is making it easier for people to vote StevenTDennis/1090660773284757504
I have a thing to write about what I view are the fundamental problems with email as a communication tool for teams and organizations and the communication paradigm @SlackHQ has introduced (and why IMO that paradigm is better)
OH: Uni is the taste of drowning