Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @JoshuaGreen: .@AOC owning GOPers is no longer just a social media phenomenon, now happening IRL (bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-29/meadows-tells-ocasio-cortez-congress-isn-t-just-eating-bonbons?srnd=premium) https://t.co/…
RT @LauraKalbag: I’ve been staying out of the whole JS-in-CSS thing. But this thread is great and mirrors both my experience and that of a…
RT @betsythemuffin: HTML+CSS dev vs JS-first dev Discourse MUST take into account how gender & seniority intersect or they WILL be harmful.…
RT @juliettekayyem: In other words, they got overrruled on determining Kushner was denied clearance. KenDilanianNBC/1090275398301020160
RT @Vinncent: Wow he just came out and said it, his candidacy is about his personal class interests very cool thedailybeast/1090259634861105152
RT @CSSconfeu: Surprise! 🙌 There’s a ticket sale THIS THURSDAY! January 31st, 9am CET. Another chance to get a CSSconf EU or @jsconfeu (or…
RT @GuyEndoreKaiser: To celebrate a million dollar deal, Howard Schultz gave me some loose tea bags and a five dollar gift card.
I will n…
RT @mrmrs_: cloudflare.design/color
A new project from the design team @Cloudflare
- Preview palettes against UI elements
- Cycle throu…
RT @ChromiumDev: @tomayac @webkit The most important part is the 📢 Call to Action at the end of the article: medium.com/dev-channel/progressive-web-app-progress-in-ios-12-2-beta-1-build-16e5181f-a18cd05ca361#4fab.
🗣️ C…
RT @ChromiumDev: Turns out, iOS 12.2 beta 1 (build 16E5181f) is “one heck of a release for Progressive Web Apps.” 🎉
👉 Read @tomayac’s late…
RT @Dictionarycom: Don’t worry, male managers. We checked, and mentoring only means acting as a “wise and trusted counselor or teacher.”
RT @_cingraham: That Schultz, who has no policy experience and no national following to speak of, can nab a 60 Minutes profile is basically…
RT @Una: @Snugug @MylesBorins Here’s the OG thread Una/647402413020848128
@Una @MylesBorins AMAZING!
Love the pic of @Una @MylesBorins and me! Myles, do you have the first one somewhere? argyleink/1089681074857271296
RT @argyleink: Used Rollup on my business trip to New York, here’s the bundle lol. There’s one picture that’s lots of famous people’s backs…
RT @ElectProject: Since Texas already has one of the strongest voter id laws in the country, either voter id laws do not work or these are…
@erutan They aren’t. They’re a curated album. Thanks though
@DaveHogue @BillHiggins I want specific photos from an album and I can’t get that album in to Photos easily
@redcrew This seems to be working, but it’s not as granular as I would like :
Let’s see what comes out the other end. Thanks! -
@AJKandy @BillHiggins Amazingly, not in bulk! Individual images yes, but not a bunch. I can save to files which I’ve got Dropbox synced with but it failed trying to move the 145 images and only got like 30
@redcrew @BillHiggins I’ve got a Mac, so unfortunately a Windows solution isn’t going to work for me. And, unfortunately, I won’t sync my phone with this computer; just need to grab the photos
Does anyone have an easy way of getting an album of photos off of an iPhone? Tried converting to a shared album and opening in Photos on my laptop and it’s not syncing reliably. +@BillHiggins
RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 74 years ago today over 7,000 prisoners of the German #Auschwitz camp, including ca. 700 children, were liberated by t…