Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @ewood02: The silence around the execution-style murders of five women in a bank in Florida is deafening. We are this used to gun viol…
RT @jsscclr: If I can’t open your fake anchor link in a new tab, your product is dead to me.
RT @attackerman: The House intelligence committee has a full agenda before it, like restarting the Trump-Russia probe & getting Mueller its…
This is an interesting take on browser render engine consolidation I haven’t heard before. I wonder what the real world implications of this would be and how browsers would distinguish themselves auchenberg/1089208351978704897
RT @stubbornella: Holy shit. GOP is complicit. MaddowBlog/1088992076027572224
RT @JeremyLittau: For those who aren’t quite sure why these media layoffs keep happening, or think “it’s the internet!” or “people don’t pa…
RT @RBReich: Kudos to air traffic controllers at LaGuardia who essentially closed the airport by refusing to show up for work this morning.…
RT @ilyseh: 5 women were executed in a bank by a total (male) stranger and it didn’t even register I’m the news because both gun violence a…
RT @kathygriffin: Perfect
@alSkachkov @SlideShare That’s a really interesting idea! I’ve had trouble getting generative art to work well with paint due to perf overhead, this may help! Thanks for sharing!
@chriscoyier Flexbox: content based, one directional Grid: container based, two directional
RT @aidachavez: “furloughed FBI agents volunteered to arrest roger stone” is the funniest sentence in the english language
RT @mhartington: This is too grate not to share. Sorry @MylesBorins for this…
“When they ask why you add so much boilerplate” https://t.…
RT @matthewamiller: In addition, his problems were serious enough that Rosenstein had called McGahn about them in Feb. 18, which is not usu…
@united you’ve refreshed the look of your app but it still takes 10-20 second to load a reservation! Good UX isn’t a pretty interface, it’s performance. Please work on that.
RT @AOC: Me: “I don’t think billionaires should concentrate wealth while employing people who are sleeping in cars working a zillion hours…
RT @nitashatiku: Department of Labor says Oracle’s discriminatory practices cost women/asian/black/hispanic employees 🚨$401 million in lost…
RT @WajahatAli: Whiteness is a helluva drug. It makes people in power think they’re the perpetual victims, it makes otherwise intelligent,…
RT @MarkWarner: There’s something called the Antideficiency Act, which basically says the government can only spend money that Congress has…
RT @Asher_Wolf: What. No. Stop it. Words mean things. Science is not a faith-based magic show. History is not a pantomime. https://t.co/nef…
RT @AOC: This reinforces lazy tropes about women leaders in media:
- Older + seasoned, but unlikeable
- Passionate, but angry
- Smart, but…
RT @zenalbatross: The trans military ban isn’t about the military
Bathroom bills aren’t about bathrooms
SESTA/FOSTA isn’t about trafficki…
RT @SamanthaJPower: This is corrupt. Never get used to this. Newsweek/1087437192799096834