@justinfagnani The two biggest DX issues I had were needing to wrap instantiation of the WC in a helper so it doesn’t accidently get declared multiple times w/async routes, and personally I dislike tagged templates/classes for components; I find them cumbersome to work with. 1/2

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  1. @justinfagnani I much prefer the single file component/template DSL model. This is a pattern I’ve seen with React, BTW, where SFC is easier to grok immediately and easier to contribute to for people who aren’t JS devs; feels less intimidating, more familiar to just HTML/CSS 2/2

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    1. @justinfagnani There are also some small things, like me preferring Rollup & most community tools I saw were for Webpack, syntax highlighting, prettier, & Emmet support across the various layers (esp CSS), & needing to understand WC quirks (esp w/style) to use (higher barrier to entry for JRs)

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