Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
[@IronMaiden](https://twitter.com/IronMaiden/) TFW a sword fight breaks out at an @IronMaiden concert
“We are your rock and roll fucking granddads” - @IronMaiden
@CSSconfeu @jsconfeu [@Una](https://twitter.com/Una/) And to cap off her awesome talk, @Una sings a CSS song for us!
@CSSconfeu @jsconfeu [@Una](https://twitter.com/Una/) . @Una has made a Houdini library! Extra CSS! extra-css.netlify.com
@CSSconfeu @jsconfeu @Una HOUDINI SPARKLING X!
@CSSconfeu [@jsconfeu](https://twitter.com/jsconfeu/) [@Una](https://twitter.com/Una/) @Una’s gonna Houdini the @jsconfeu X!
@CSSconfeu @jsconfeu @Una TypedOM, from terrible string RegEx to structured data!
@CSSconfeu @jsconfeu @Una Houdini! A low level API for CSS! #CSSHoudini #JSconfEU
@CSSconfeu @jsconfeu [@Una](https://twitter.com/Una/) It’s @Una time!
Super excited to be here @CSSconfeu! Can’t wait to talk Houdini with you later today!
If you wanna get prepped, check out houdini.glitch.me for an interactive introduction to Houdini! #CSSConfEU #CSSHoudini
. @MiriSuzanne live coding an animated bar chart almost entirely in CSS with CSS Grid! Only JS is used to pass small amounts of data to CSS cars! #generateconf
How can we incorporate AI and ML in our products today? @bigmediumjosh #generateconf
. @bigmediumjosh on Machine Learning at #generateconf
Hey look! The @Twitter PWA installed on my Mac! @googlechrome 73 brings Desktop PWAs to Mac, making them available everywhere! I’m v. excited about this.
A quick clip of my upcoming DevTools workshop deck to show off a customized Stage Fright and Web Component based master slides. I kinda love this workflow?
Here’s a tiny little video preview. It’s a button, icon’s an SVG, can set hours, minutes, and seconds. Fully enclosed Web Component. Looking to get my Web Components as Master Slides stuff open sourced sometime w/in the next quarter or so.
My new mechanical keyboard arrived yesterday! And it does pretty lights!
@ImAaronUpright Loud bright things around me