Sam Richard
BBQ lead, ChromeOS DevRel. Mostly food, sometimes design and development, especially for the web. 7008px tall. He/him.
An archive of my Twitter timeline up until I moved to Mastodon. You can find me there at @[email protected]
RT @stephanierieger: Thread that should serve as a permanent example of black box algorithms, bias, and how once it’s embedded, it tends to…
RT @eaton: The Dracula liveblog we didn’t realize we needed. Perfect way to start out your post-halloween goth weekend.…
RT @xoDrVenture: Anyway Mina is enjoying her time on some beautiful provincial hillside and getting life advice from an old sailor that I h…
@poofichu It Willow.
Totally in love with @github actions. Only wish was that I could delete logs. Literally my only wish.
Did my final check run through for my #ChromeDevSummit talk this evening. Y’all, I’m sure excited! The web is awesome, and I’m so excited to introduce you to what’s coming.
RT @Justinwillis96: I am excited to announce a new project from the PWABuilder team , <pwa-install /> ! pwa-install is a web component tha…
For those curious I did get it working without anything special and games running pretty well after enabling GPU Acceleration. Now would I recommend this? Probably not. But it’s totally do-able!
RT @maggieNYT: The president’s request that Barr hold a news conference to say there was nothing wrong with the Zelensky call - as Barr did…
RT @PPFA: Idk who needs to hear this but virginity is a made-up social construct, and it has absolutely nothing to do with your hymen.
@MylesBorins 10, maybe 15 seconds.
RT @ZenhubHQ: Every ZenHub team has access to our latest product, ZenHub Roadmaps. Learn everything you need to know to hit the ground runn…
RT @sdtimes: ZenHub Roadmaps makes it easier to follow project roadmaps @ZenhubHQ
RT @vjwang: Excited for #ChromeDevSummit happening in just a few days! Can’t make it in person? Check out the livestream at…
RT @TomArnold: Today Kentucky spoke with one voice loud & clear: “We are all Rand Paul’s next door neighbor” #KYGov
RT @gnat: “OK Boomer” only works on Boomers from Google. If your Boomer is from Apple, you have to say “Hey, Boomer.” If it’s from Amazon,…
BRB, just installed Steam on my Chromebook. Let’s see if I can get any games installed and playing. Yes I’m maniacally laughing.
RT @brad_frost: I’ve had many a battle with design teams over underline/float-label only form fields. “But Google does it!” is the most com…
Did just a cook this weekend. Finished it up with chicken pot pie seasoned with tarragon with roasted fennel, carrots, and corn, plus bonus caramelized onions!
RT @othermaciej: The WebKit team at Apple is hiring! Want to help define the future of layout and rendering in the engine that powers Safar…
RT @Delafina777: A friend of mine posted some excerpts from the textbook for a class she’s in that talk about managing millennials in the w…
Getting good at omelettes. Lamb kebab and chihuahua. Side of pa amb tomàquet with some of the extra kebab.
RT @othermaciej: @EricaJoy WebKit team at Apple is hiring, both for browser engine development and for an additional Evangelist. There’s al…